Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The perfect combination of sexy and cranky

I am kind of cranky today. I think it stems from yesterday and things that I had to deal with last night that I wasn't thrilled about. I guess 7 hours of sleep didn't erase my frustration.

I am happy that I have lost three more pounds, for a total of 13 pounds now. That is good. I am glad. I am really not having any trouble with the whole South Beach thing, it's very natural now. The worst part is if I get hungry and don't have time to go somewhere to grab something, because there is usually just snacky food around... not healthy stuff. And the cost of all this healthy food is not a thing to take lightly!

Let's take a vote today, by a show of comments, how many people think that I can make it through the day and home tonight without snagging my $14.00 Fredericks of Hollywood Thigh High Pantyhose? Yeah. I always buy cheap pantyhose at Wal-Mart, because I am pretty rough on them. I tend to lose them instead of wash them, so I never wear them more than once. I usually buy no nonsense or whatever. Well I bought expensive thigh highs, as a little "present" for myself. Sort of a girly splurge. They were $14 a pair, and one of them is "work appropriate"- just nude colored. I love them. They are super comfy, very sexy, and there is something to be said about the feel of expensive hose. But my biggest fear is that I will snag them. Then it will be $14 down the drain. And I will be pissed. And go back to wearing cheap pantyhose.

This morning in the mirror I had to practice how far I could bend over before you could see the lace, because it is not unusual for me to spend an hour or more on the floor or under someone's desk each day (for purely non-sexual reasons of course!!) hooking up a computer or running wires. And if you are going to be crawling around on the floor in $14 hose, you need to know exactly how you look. I have perfected the art of showing a little lace without showing any skin. Yeah baby.

Note to self: bring a lint brush to work so that when you are finished unloading boxes or crawling on the floor you can remove the debris from your sleek black clothing.

So that's it in a nutshell. Appointment at the accountant for tax preparation this evening. That's about the extent of the excitement here. Except that we are out of dishwasher soap and laundry soap. Send money.

Place your votes.... will they snag?

UPDATE: Honey, There's a Runner in my Pantyhose! But it's not a snag! Nope! I didn't snag the damn things! I was a VERY good girl today, I even wore them to the accountant to get the taxes done, but unfortunately a runner STARTED ALL BY ITSELF right where the lace meets the stocking and it ran down my leg instead of up. I caught it in time to nail polish it, but damn! $14 and they run away on their own? So tell me your thoughts. Does this warrant a phone call to Frederick's to complain/discuss why their thigh highs started their own runner? Or am I just being freakishly picky? Wouldn't you say that they are DEFECTIVE? Like the nightgown that I bought that had a rip in the back as soon as I removed it from the package? Help a girl out, what's your thoughts?
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Anonymous said...

My vote is for snagging. Sorry, that's always what happens to me.

Unknown said...

I know! Ha ha. Thanks for voting. I will let you know when the day is over!

Anonymous said...

My vote would be for not snagging. I only say this because I once owned a pair of expensive panty hose and it took forever to snag them but the cheaper ones snag real easily. But then my logical side says they're panty hose they will snag.

Anonymous said...

I'll be the oddball here and say that you'll make it through the day without a snag and a smile on your face!

Some Random Girl said...

crawling around on the floor.....that's funny.....I got a kick out of this post!

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