Monday, January 22, 2007


I have been Sooooooooo lazy! Ugh! I am surprised I don't have bedsores! LOL. Saturday mom wanted to go shopping, and I wanted to go with, but I knew that I would be exhausted. We went to the Quad Cities and looked at carpet and furniture stores (for her) and then went to two Toys R Us (to seek out cribs, which were all junk) and then to Bed Bath and Beyond (where I splurged on a $1.70 Wonka Bar) and to Target (where I splurged on milk, cheerios, cream cheese spread, and a pink amy coe baby beanie.) I was so freaking exhausted! I spent $14 and I was whooped. My feet hurt, my back hurt, I started getting a headache, and then the stomach ickiness set in. My dad got back from his snowmobile trip to Colorado, and he took us out to supper at the club since Evan was cooking, and I didn't like my dinner. Of course at that moment I didn't like ANY food. I was trying valiantly to stay awake while dad used the computer at my house and mom chatted with me. I remember lying on the bed with the dog and waiting till I could go to sleep and my mom trying to convince me that we should take down the Christmas Tree. Uh. No. I am so exhausted I am sick. I have overdone it. I need sleep! I slept till 10:30 on Sunday, and then took a shower and then fell asleep again from 1pm-2:15. Then we ran to Princeton for toilet paper and so I could stop at work and then back home to lie in bed and watch the Bears game (yee!) and then I watched Dodgeball the movie (love that!) and 13 going on 30 because it was "on next" and I was okay with not moving to change the channel. Then I moved to the couch and lie there watching Desperate Housewives and Crossing Jordan, I ate a bowl of cheerios, and moved right back to bed again for a nights long long sleep. I slept till 9:15 this morning, although I really had a hard time sleeping past 4 or 5 am.... But once I fell asleep again it was all good.

And on Monday, all I could do as of noon was think of taking a nap.

I can't wait for the sleepy times to go away.

This morning I went to the Post Office and I have SIX packages in my car just DYING to be opened and pilfered through.


Anonymous said...

Your body is making a whole new human being! It's ok to lay around and be exhausted! Take it easy, relax, put your feet up!

Unknown said...

Be tired and get all of the sleep that you want because after the baby arrives, you won't sleep again that much until he/she moves out of the house (and you will get less sleep when he/she is a teenager and driving/dating than you did when he/she was a newborn-haha). With my oldest son, it was all that I could do to come home from work and make my husband and 3-year-old daughter dinner. All I wanted to do was go to bed. I was sick more at dinner than in the morning and I was so, so sleepy. Take care of yourself, take your prenatal vitamin, and rest as much and as often as you like! :)

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