Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Edward Cullen is back....

Tuesday! I don't even know why I am writing anything, because I will probably have more to write after the day is over and I go to another midwife appointment and see if I am further dilated and effaced.

Yesterday I had my routing NST and had been having contractions all morning. Painless really, mostly just like menstrual cramps and making me have to pee every 20 or 30 minutes. the fetal monitoring confirmed around noon that I was having contractions every 7 minutes lasting about a minute each. That was cool. And the downward pressure is back with a vengeance. I had contractions from around 10pm-2am, while reading, and I had to get up and pee every 20 minutes or so, and at 2am I decided I should be sleeping. But who can put down Stephanie Meyer's new book Eclipse? Ahhh, forbidden vampire love. Evan has a hard time believing that I get more addicted to those books than to Harry Potter books. But Edward Cullen.... yum!

So this morning I was having contractions again as I got ready for work. Or should I say around noon, since I sleep late. they still aren't painful, just like cramps. But I have been told that those are the kind that cause dilation and effacement. yay!

After today I will have only 8 half days of work left. Double yay!! And that's assuming she isn't born early like they predict. Triple yay!

So what else is new. Hmmm. Well, I would prefer to spend my time inside, in my pajamas, reading, in the Air Conditioning. So far that seems to be working out wonderfully. That's pretty much what I do. I am worried about what will happen if and when I finish Eclipse, because I am so psyched about the book and I love it so much, that having it finished will be crushing, just like Twilight and New Moon. Ugh. I am still halfway through about three other books, but they just weren't fabulous enough to hold a pregnant chick's attention. Barack Obama's first book Dreams from my Father, Magic Hour by Kristen Hannah, and something else that I have already completely forgotten about. I feel like I need some Jodi Piccoult books. I have read two. I don't remember being very pleased about My Sister's Keeper but then I read The Tenth Circle and was wowed. It was a good book. There are so many of them at Waldenbooks in the mall, I am always tempted to buy another and see what I discover.

I ordered three books through the HAL Library System, and I used to order them through Matson Public Library in Princeton. But then they changed the rules and told me that while I could pick them UP in Princeton, I had to order them through Raymond A. Sapp library in Wyanet. That proves difficult because they have very limited hours. But I did it anyway, ordered three books, probably close to two months ago. And they never came. ARGH. And I hate it, because Matson has a website and I have a login so that I can see when they come in or when they are expected, but with Wyanet I have no clue. And honestly I don't have time to harass the Wyanet Librarian and ask him what the hell he did with my order.

Okay, so much for having no reason to write. I will try to update tonight about the appointment this evening. Take care!

Oh and for those of you who have asked, all my nursery pictures are at

Even though I rearranged a bit recently, it hasn't been enough to take new pictures in my mind.

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