Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Stating the Obvious

Okay, I am about to state the obvious. I know that. But bear with me, because it shouldn't take long to state the obvious, right?

The internet is FUCKING AWESOME.

There. That's what I needed to say. Nowhere else is there a place where you can meet so many people, and not just people LIKE you but people so diverse and intriguing and UNLIKE you. Crafty People. Oh My God. The crafty People! on swap-bot, on flickr, on blogs and websites! It's insane!

I have met new people that I have so much in common with that it literally freaks me out. Marcia in Idaho. She's in her 50's, but I feel like I could talk to her for hours. She has such neat interests! And Brooke in Florida! She's younger than me but I am still so excited to get her reply to my handwritten letter #3 swap to her. And now Amy in Virginia! It's endless! the people I have met through the handwritten letter swaps just FLOOR me. They give me the same excitement and laughter that I used to get from pen-pals as a kid, the ones I would meet when we enclosed a letter rolled up into a helium baloon or tied to the string of the balloon and released into the summer sky. It's amazing.

It makes me think of the Wizard of Oz getting in his balloon and landing in another world. the whole earth is full of other worlds. The fact that people choose to block themselves off and look down upon other races, cultures, religions and sexual orientations just absolutely BAFFLES me! Why would you not want to learn more about the things that make this world so amazing and diverse!

That said, go forth and

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