Sunday, November 27, 2005

They're WYSER because of it.....

Well, today was brunch at WYSE Guys to celebrate Thanksgiving. Coordinated by Evan's mom and involving Evan's Grandma Marie, Evan's Aunt Patti and Uncle Sean, and Evan's parents, along with my parents and sister... and Evan's brother Kyle, his girlfriend Becca, and her mom and sister also.

The food was great, which, let me stay, astounded us. Wyse Guys has okay food, it's just nothing to write home about. Nothing to work on dragging friends, out-of-towners, etc. - but they have VERY nice atmosphere, it is usually clean and comfortable. Now I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed. Chocolate Fountain! hello- fab! But also mimosas for breakfast, with melons, strawberries, bagels and creme cheese, french toast, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, sausage (GOOD sausage) and Bacon (GOOD Bacon) and then Eggs Benedict which was better than any I have ever had, and potatoes. And also lunch fare, such as tortellini, fettuchini, mashed potatoes with cheese and sour cream, soup, prime rib, green beans, WOW! Totally worth it. Then my mom and aunt pat got two of the giantest beer mug bloody mary's with a pickle, 3 olives, 3 cubes of cheese, and a cocktail shrimp on top! Wow. Evan's blue moon came in a mug with an orange slice, and Sean's Chocolate Martini had a big plump cherry. Now I know to anyone in a real CITY this is normal, but to us in Princeton Illinois, this is unheard of, like living the good life.

So WYSE Guys did fabulously, a first in my book.
Hope it stays that way!

1 comment:

Tina said...

I'm glad Evan is alive! Do we get to know what happened Friday night?

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