Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Still Kicking

I am still alive. I have been so busy! This week at work I have been literally shut in my office with the door closed, the phone forwarded, and concentrating on finishing up our HUGE webpage. Finally. 2 years and many many obstacles and opinions, it is finished. Of course it is an ongoing project and there are things that need to be added once we can gather the information, but overall FINISHED! There are 99 individual webpages (htm/html) and then a "work-specific" directory of between 140-300 more pages. And I made ALL of it. Myself. Me.

Do you wonder why I haven't had time to write? When I get home at night, I just want to do stuff at home and wear my pajamas and listen to Christmas music. I try to block out work but all night long (even in my dreams) I think of things that I want to do with the webpage, ideas to try, information to gather, people to check with. My brain hardly shuts off. But I have been doing some reading on inducing the relaxation response using body scans, breathing techniques, and meditation. I was surprised to know that a body scan and the breathing excercises are some of my favorite parts of my Yoga DVD's. I have enjoyed body scans and not even known what they were. I am reading books by Dr. Domar on using your mind to heal your body. Quite Interesting. I don't care if you think I AM a granola munching hippie, I do enjoy the subject quite a bit. I need to look into her tapes. I find it difficult doing body scans to my own voice, because if I am going to listen to my mind, it's harder to shut it off. If I listen to someone else, like Rodney Yee (he he) then I turn my mind off and just do as he says. That works better for me. So I am thinking I might want one of the Mind Body Medical Institute's tapes, so that I can listen to someone else instruct me on body scans, and can shut off my own mind. Trying relaxation response exercises has been helpful in getting myself to sleep earlier- like 12 am (or 1 at the latest.)

Besides that I have stamped, embossed, colored, glittered, and sponged 24 christmas trees for the fronts of my Christmas cards. Tonight my mom will come over and I will work more on the cards. In the sense of irony, my dad gave me a catalog to order mom's Christmas presents, and my mom is coming over tonight to have me help her order dad's online. I feel like Mrs. Claus. But really, I am just happy being Mrs. Johnson.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Glad to have you back! I was missing you, really!
