Thursday, December 14, 2006

Carpal Tunnel HNT

Oh man. After completing the 239 pages of website in the past couple of days, and 16 hours on the mouse at work, and then working on the Handmade Christmas Cards, my carpal tunnel is KILLING me. I had to break out the braces, and I haven't worn them in MONTHS or probably close to a year. Damn repetition!
Carpal Tunnel
Another Sample
Sample Card
Impressive Tree Assembly Line

Oh and Since Osbasso wanted us to show our Christmas Trees for the Holidays HNT... Here is my tree at home..
O Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
And here is my tree at work.... in my office....
My Pink Christmas Tree in My Office
Been an Angel All Year.... Santa Baby... So Hurry Down The Chimney, Tonight!

Been An Angel All Year, Santa Baby... SO Hurry Down The Chimney, Tonight!


  1. Nice twist to the theme, but sorry about the wrist! Hope you get a chance to let it heal!

    Why is it that the Naughty ornament doesn't surprise me??

  2. love the pink tree, love the naughty "ornament"
