Friday, December 08, 2006


Friday! YAY YAY YAY!

This week has been cRaZy! I have been so busy at work! When I would check my voicemail, I would have one voicemail, and by the time I got finished checking it, I would already have another voicemail, and when I got finished checking that one, I would have ANOTHER Voicemail! Insanity!

So thank god for the weekend. Tomorrow night is my Christmas Party for work, and I am all excited. I usually don't care, but I got a new outfit to wear and I am getting my hair done, as part of the Holiday Party spirit. I don't usually do any of that, but this year, I could use a little holiday spirit.

Last night I did that thing where you bite the inside of your lip till it bleeds. I hate that.

I watched the past two episodes of the O.C. where Taylor and Ryan FINALLY hook up, and I loved it. I was so freaking excited, I am so happy! That show took a downward turn (in my opinion) and Marissa was really pissing me off. She was so Depressing and all that, I just wanted Ryan to dump her and start giving it to someone else. Now that she's all dead, I am like on a cloud, and then I see the preview for next week and it's when Ryan falls off the roof (I assume putting up Christmas Lights) and wakes up in a different world where Julie Cooper is with Sandy, and Marissa is ALIVE. That pisses me off. She's gone. Give it up. Leave Ryan alone. Taylor is totally cooler than Marissa. Can you believe this has me so upset?

ON another note... how about Men In Trees Last night?! Lynn back!? Lynn Pregnant?! And JACK TOOK HER HOME from the hospital to take care of her! OMG! Let me tell you, I know that's what a nice guy does. I appreciate that. But at the same time, he should not have let Marin just stand there and go home. He could have, just as easily, taken Lynn to the inn and let her stay there. Jack could have stayed with Marin at the inn and totally watched over Lynn. Or hey, how about Jack invites Marin over to stay, so that when he gets Lynn comfortable, he can sit and cuddle up with Marin, instead of sending her home? Wow that pissed me off. And really they didn't show a make-up session with Patrick and Annie, and I freakin LOVED it when she threw the pie in his face. That is SO something I would do. Not to Evan though, cuz he would probably be really pissed about that, and wouldn't have laughed about it like Patrick (kinda) did.

So I got my fill of the TIVO'd shows last night. Yeah! I do have lots of Frisky Dingo, Robot Chicken, and Family Guy episodes to catch up on, but I have the whole weekend!

I do need to continue working on my Christmas Cards. I stamped and embossed 24 Christmas Trees from the O' Tannenbaum set by Stampin Up. Next step, color all the trees, add gold detail and glitter. I have one tree colored, and then I needed to borrow markers to get the rest of them done. So now that I have my markers, I am UNSTOPPABLE! My cardstock and ribbon order is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday next week and then I will be able to finish and assemble them, and get them mailed out. I used to have a list of 50 recipients, and then I started cutting back to those who actually send me cards. It's tough!

I am still waiting for my pink and green swap from November, mine hasn't been received yet, but I had to send it overseas, so it may be a while, especially with Christmas. I can only assume that mine is also arriving from overseas, otherwise I should have had it by now!

Let's see, what else is up. Oh yes, I took my picture this morning so I could show you the fabulous coat that my husband bought me for my Birthday. He gave it to me early, back in October, so that I could USE it (I needed it) but I just thought it would be neat to show. I took the picture in the mirror, so there is no flash. But you get the idea. I love taking pictures! It really makes me sad that at most occasions there are no pictures of me. or of me and Evan together, It's like I am the ghost behind the camera.

It seems like there was more to blog about, but my brain is blank now. I guess that I just don't want to think now. It's Friday and I want to relax and just BE.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Cute coat and oh, you're hair is FABULOUS! Have a great weekend! Sit. Relax.
