Friday, November 28, 2008

Moving Right Along...

Evan found that Hobby Lobby had their Cricut Cartridges on sale for about half price today, so for Christmas he has added to my collection Animal Kingdom and My Community. Yeee!

Today we put up our one Christmas Tree. Usually we have 2-3 but we tossed them out and just put up one this year. One VERY High up Tree in Ardyn's Big Girl room. It's beautiful if I do say so myself, and fabulously pink! Pink with pink lights and pink and green ornaments.

This evening Ardyn fell asleep in her high chair, over her dessert of Apple Dumplings. It's pretty sad when you are SO tired that you can't even start to eat your dessert! She has been playing like crazy today. She also has been trying out her new anywhere chair.

I've got Diapers washing and cloth napkins and towels from yesterday in the dryer, and I am on the SECOND load of dishes in the dishwasher with one load (wine glasses and the crock pot) left to do. I will be happy when The kitchen gets back to "normal." But I also have lots of stoneware to get washed first.

We are planning on heading over to my moms tonight (still) to swap my cricut for my contact paper, which I have over there in the scrapbook room. I need to give her the cricut so I am not tempted to test it out, and I need to contact paper so that I can label Ardyn's storage bins in her room with the photos of what's inside (ala pre-kindergarten) and hopefully that will eventually help Ardyn to learn how to put things away, and I know it will help others (not mom and dad as we know where things go!)

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