Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Can you believe it? I went OUT on Black Friday. Something else that I vowed I would never do. And it wasn't half as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Seriously. I was dreading it. And I got what I wanted and was back home by 5:30am and back to sleep for almost 4 more hours. No big deal.

I heard that the Cricut Expression with two free cartridges was on sale at Wal-Mart for $199, and it was an item on my Christmas List that I assumed I would never get due to the HIGH price tag (mostly around $300-350 online) and when I saw this sale, I knew I had to be there. So the price is good Friday and Saturday, but only while supplies last, so I wanted to be sure to get one. So I arrived at Wal-Mart just before 4:30 am. I was the first one at the cricuts and I had one in my hands, purchased, and out the door just 15 minutes after 5am. And may I say that checking out was easier than on ANY other trip to Wal-Mart? And that I was getting gas and heading home to bed? Fab. So I got myself a cricut. Actually my MOM got me a cricut, while she was snuggled in her bed.

So now I sit and gaze lovingly at the box while I have agreed with mom that I won't open it until after she "gives" it to me on Christmas. I also bought the Storybook Cartridge, and that will be a nice addition to the fact that the cricut came with my favorite font, Plantin Schoolbook, as well as the new Cricut Solutions Home Decor cartridge (not to be confused with home accents!) What's totally cool is that this was only $10 more than the regular cricut, but it has the capability to cut much larger images. I am thrilled.

Today was (is) also the black friday sale at my favorite online diaper store. I placed a BIG layaway order with Brandy at Luving Mamma Diapers and I am so excited! There were a few things that I needed before the baby gets here, including more overnight diapers, and an additional pail liner and on the go wetbag, some snappis, you know how it goes. So she just rolled out layaway, where you pay 25% down and then get invoiced the rest of the payments, and I am SO thrilled. I can't wait to get that paid off and get my new stuff! I went ahead and got a 6 pack of Bum Genius 3.0 OS, in the new colors (except Zinnia because we are having a boy) and that will bump my count of overnight diapers up significantly. Thrilled! Hoping to win one of her contests as she has a TON of them going on today for people who place orders, and for people who place orders during certain time frames.

Besides that, I have Thanksgiving DISHES to sort through (eeww) that I need to get in the dishwasher and get washed. And perhaps we will take down fall decor and get going on Christmas decorations. Not sure how much of that we are going to do this year, what with little hands everywhere and being pregnant and not having a christmas tree, but we will do just enough to get the point across.

And I need to wash diapers. And a few more loads of laundry. Ardyn's clothes are clean but need folded and put away. But it's much funner to sit here. She is playing fabulously in her big girl room. I am so happy to have it all finished!

Thanksgiving was nice. I don't think I was into it this year, like usual, but it was really fun to have Ardyn. She helped me make the topping for the potato casserole, and she donned her pampered chef apron like mom and was thrilled to be up on the stool helping. Her grandparents brought over an early Christmas Present, and she got her red anywhere chair from Land of Nod and she LOVED it (as did mom and dad) and loved to sit in it and watch TV, etc. You could just see from her face (she was beaming) that she felt like such a big girl with her own chair.

Wednesday night I made a really cool 12 month calendar on Shutterfly, and we plan on giving it out as gifts for Christmas this year to immediate family. Most of them don't read here, so I am not worried. And the ONE who might be reading should just be happy to get a fancy photo calendar for her office and keep her mouth shut so no one else knows and has the surprise spoiled :) Shutterfly has some great deals and coupon codes going on right now. Very cool. I am awaiting our Christmas Card order, which should be here early next week.

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