Saturday, November 29, 2008

If it ends with cupcakes, it's an okay day!

Today has been a really really long day. I guess we have just done plenty. when we got up today, Ardyn and I took a bath, and then we got her ready and took her over to grandma and grandpa's house. All the guys were hunting pheasant and Evan and I left Ardyn with grandma and ran around a bit, going to TWO Wal-marts (long story, first one refused to price match and the manager sent Evan through the roof, so we went to another who would) and grabbed some wrapping paper and ribbon for Ardyn's gifts, and a new Christmas Board book to read with ardyn, and went to a kids resale shop and got a few boy clothes that were cute and a few cute used toys for Ardyn (a doctors kit, a tool kit, and a dog flashlight) and then came home where I adjusted all the straps in her car seat and put it back in the van, and then went back to MIL and FIL's house where we visited with family and had pizza for supper. I feel bad getting her more toys, but I figure that she loves flashlights and is alway stealing ours, so why not have one for $2 that barks and is shaped like a dog? The batteries in the damn thing cost about $2 themselves. And a $3 doctor's kit? Why not? And the toolkit I sent to my moms because she was looking for one and for $3 I couldn't resist it. Tomorrow is my husband's 29th birthday. And I have not bought him a thing. Nor do I have a card. I suck. Except that I didn't get a card on my birthday (which was Monday) nor did I get one on Mother's Day. So. Nuff said? Still I feel bad. Why is that?

Last night I did get all of Ardyn's clear toy organizer boxes labeled with photos and contact paper, and I also labeled shelves for where some of her toys go. I didn't want to go too far out, especially since I didn't know if she would start peeling or not really even notice. So far so good, but she has barely spent any time here today so that's not a really good judge.Right now Ardyn is micxing up some cupcakes. Over and over she says "cupcake." and then "Mmmmm!" and licks the pink mixing spoon. She loves the spoon and the little cupcake tin of pretty cakes. She is getting a set similar to this one for Christmas from Grandma Deb, but this was super cheap and on sale today and Evan thought it was perfect. Plus grandma's set has different cupcakes and not the same utensils. Plus, can you HAVE too much food in your kitchen? He. And seriously, how cute is it to just hear "cukcape" coming out of the mouth of someone in all pink with pigtails? Seriously.
I am seriously adoring the Hanna Andersson Mocs that we grabbed up on ebay. I am so glad I got two pair, and now I am wishing for more, because she wears them EVERYDAY at home, and took them to grandma's too. Perfect for winter around home. My friend Amy lives near an outlet where they sell the mocs for literally like $5 a pair and she was going to look for me on black friday to see if she could scoop up a few pair. I hope she was able to get some more!

I am sitting here looking at my three brand new and fabulous cricut cartridges and really thinking "If it were only December 26th." LOL. I have planned the baby's birth announcements using a cricut cartridge, and we know his name already (mwaaahahaha! Wouldn't you like to know!) and so I am just DYING to get started on tiny announcements. Having all of Ardyn's done way ahead of time was AWESOME and I got them out so quickly. Now, we wait!

Tomorrow we have a family day for Evan's birthday. We are making Chocolate cupcakes with frosting (dairy free!) and hanging out at home.

Oh, and look at this. It practically makes me cry. It's insane. I can't believe she's so big already and I am so glad there is another one on the way... When I watch this one, I can't wait to breastfeed again, I miss it terribly.

Well, it's 5 till midnight, and Ardyn JUST went to bed (she's a little night owl) and I haven't decided if I should go to bed, watch TV, wrap her presents, or clean up the kitchen more. I already cleaned up her room. And I DO Have tons of laundry to fold. But I suppose it will all be there tomorrow. Maybe clean up a bit in the kitchen, make myself a cuppa chamomille lemon tea and grab a slice of cheesecake, and get some rest.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Moving Right Along...

Evan found that Hobby Lobby had their Cricut Cartridges on sale for about half price today, so for Christmas he has added to my collection Animal Kingdom and My Community. Yeee!

Today we put up our one Christmas Tree. Usually we have 2-3 but we tossed them out and just put up one this year. One VERY High up Tree in Ardyn's Big Girl room. It's beautiful if I do say so myself, and fabulously pink! Pink with pink lights and pink and green ornaments.

This evening Ardyn fell asleep in her high chair, over her dessert of Apple Dumplings. It's pretty sad when you are SO tired that you can't even start to eat your dessert! She has been playing like crazy today. She also has been trying out her new anywhere chair.

I've got Diapers washing and cloth napkins and towels from yesterday in the dryer, and I am on the SECOND load of dishes in the dishwasher with one load (wine glasses and the crock pot) left to do. I will be happy when The kitchen gets back to "normal." But I also have lots of stoneware to get washed first.

We are planning on heading over to my moms tonight (still) to swap my cricut for my contact paper, which I have over there in the scrapbook room. I need to give her the cricut so I am not tempted to test it out, and I need to contact paper so that I can label Ardyn's storage bins in her room with the photos of what's inside (ala pre-kindergarten) and hopefully that will eventually help Ardyn to learn how to put things away, and I know it will help others (not mom and dad as we know where things go!)

Black Friday

Can you believe it? I went OUT on Black Friday. Something else that I vowed I would never do. And it wasn't half as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Seriously. I was dreading it. And I got what I wanted and was back home by 5:30am and back to sleep for almost 4 more hours. No big deal.

I heard that the Cricut Expression with two free cartridges was on sale at Wal-Mart for $199, and it was an item on my Christmas List that I assumed I would never get due to the HIGH price tag (mostly around $300-350 online) and when I saw this sale, I knew I had to be there. So the price is good Friday and Saturday, but only while supplies last, so I wanted to be sure to get one. So I arrived at Wal-Mart just before 4:30 am. I was the first one at the cricuts and I had one in my hands, purchased, and out the door just 15 minutes after 5am. And may I say that checking out was easier than on ANY other trip to Wal-Mart? And that I was getting gas and heading home to bed? Fab. So I got myself a cricut. Actually my MOM got me a cricut, while she was snuggled in her bed.

So now I sit and gaze lovingly at the box while I have agreed with mom that I won't open it until after she "gives" it to me on Christmas. I also bought the Storybook Cartridge, and that will be a nice addition to the fact that the cricut came with my favorite font, Plantin Schoolbook, as well as the new Cricut Solutions Home Decor cartridge (not to be confused with home accents!) What's totally cool is that this was only $10 more than the regular cricut, but it has the capability to cut much larger images. I am thrilled.

Today was (is) also the black friday sale at my favorite online diaper store. I placed a BIG layaway order with Brandy at Luving Mamma Diapers and I am so excited! There were a few things that I needed before the baby gets here, including more overnight diapers, and an additional pail liner and on the go wetbag, some snappis, you know how it goes. So she just rolled out layaway, where you pay 25% down and then get invoiced the rest of the payments, and I am SO thrilled. I can't wait to get that paid off and get my new stuff! I went ahead and got a 6 pack of Bum Genius 3.0 OS, in the new colors (except Zinnia because we are having a boy) and that will bump my count of overnight diapers up significantly. Thrilled! Hoping to win one of her contests as she has a TON of them going on today for people who place orders, and for people who place orders during certain time frames.

Besides that, I have Thanksgiving DISHES to sort through (eeww) that I need to get in the dishwasher and get washed. And perhaps we will take down fall decor and get going on Christmas decorations. Not sure how much of that we are going to do this year, what with little hands everywhere and being pregnant and not having a christmas tree, but we will do just enough to get the point across.

And I need to wash diapers. And a few more loads of laundry. Ardyn's clothes are clean but need folded and put away. But it's much funner to sit here. She is playing fabulously in her big girl room. I am so happy to have it all finished!

Thanksgiving was nice. I don't think I was into it this year, like usual, but it was really fun to have Ardyn. She helped me make the topping for the potato casserole, and she donned her pampered chef apron like mom and was thrilled to be up on the stool helping. Her grandparents brought over an early Christmas Present, and she got her red anywhere chair from Land of Nod and she LOVED it (as did mom and dad) and loved to sit in it and watch TV, etc. You could just see from her face (she was beaming) that she felt like such a big girl with her own chair.

Wednesday night I made a really cool 12 month calendar on Shutterfly, and we plan on giving it out as gifts for Christmas this year to immediate family. Most of them don't read here, so I am not worried. And the ONE who might be reading should just be happy to get a fancy photo calendar for her office and keep her mouth shut so no one else knows and has the surprise spoiled :) Shutterfly has some great deals and coupon codes going on right now. Very cool. I am awaiting our Christmas Card order, which should be here early next week.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mickey Mouse Waffles from Cherrybrook Kitchen

Turkey Day is on it's way. All is well here. The roast is cooking, the potato casserole is already together and in the fridge, and the eggs for the deviled eggs have been boiled, peeled, and refrigerated. The house is pretty well picked up, and we have just eaten a late lunch and are about to start naptime.

We have been jamming out to for the past few days, and if you aren't addicted yet, you're missing out. There have only been a few things so far that I have really wanted to change. For example, when listening to a radio station (Like kids radio) I might hear a song that's REALLY cute, and maybe it really makes Ardyn giggle and dance, so I want to favorite the song. Well, I do that, and it adds it to my favorite song list, but then it ALSO Adds the artist to my personal library of favorite artists/bands. So if there is a song by Harry the Rapping Hamster that makes Ardyn act silly, and I add it to my favorite songs so that I can play it later for her, then the stupid Hamster gets added to MY Library as one of my favorite artists. And it bugs me, because I can like a certain song for any purpose or reason without considering the artist one of my favorites. Argh. I guess the only way around this would be to add the song to a playlist, but then when you delete the artsit from your library, the song gets removed from playlists and the song also gets removed from your favorites. I believe this is seriously flawed. While I can live with the Mickey Mouse Club, Sesame Street, and Rockabye Baby in my favorite artists list, I can't live with Harry the Hamster. Seriously?

This morning we made waffles (Mickey Mouse Head Waffles nonetheless) out of the new Dairy Free Pancake and Waffle Mix that I got yesterday. It's by and we used rice milk to prepare it, as directed, and because that's what Ardyn drinks. It was freaking DELICIOUS and Ardyn and I both ate a whole waffle with strawberry syrup drizzled on top. Wow were they delicious. We will be buying more of their products for sure.

Blogger photo uploads have been bugging me lately. Suddenly, whenever I upload a photo to my blog by pointing blogger to a particular url (flickr) Blogger fails to resize the photo to fit the specifications that they have set forth (small, medium, large) and therefore medium photos have begun to hang over the righthand side of the posting area. So on top of not being able to insert the photo where the cursor was, and constantly having to reposition photos as you are uploading (because they place all photos at the top, regardless of the order they were added, or the location of your cursor when adding) I now also have photos all wonky sized. I am not sure what is going on with this.

I am trying to decide if I should take a nap while Ardyn naps. This has plagued me alot lately. Because while I am not exhausted, I could sleep. And I know that later, I will regret not napping. But lately my desire to have a minute to my self to take a bath or read or blog or drink a cup of tea, has prevented me from napping. I just feel the time closing in when I will have two and they won't likely be napping at all, and neither will I... and I want to savor the time to myself... but again, I want to savor some sleep too. I did NOT want to get up this morning, and Ardyn got up earlier than usual, and was playing in her crib. She unzipped her sleeper jammies and undid her diaper and was playing... and of course Dad found her, washed her off, and sent her naked into the bathroom to greet me for a bath. Then I did strip the bed, wash the rungs, wash her sheets and blankets, etc. Silly beeb.

I am incredibly frustrated because the Window company did not return our call yesterday or today. And the endocrinologist's office didn't return my call yesterday, so I called them back AGAIN today to get the test results from last Monday, as the Dr. Requested that I do. They told me that the results were "normal" which was exactly what they told me last time (incorrectly) and so I asked them to have to Dr. Review my results to be sure that he did not want me to be medicated. They called back and said no medication, so I am hesitantly trusting them this time. I should have asked them for a copy of the results. Maybe I will just call next week and have them send them so that I can take them to my next OB appointment.

I could clean the bathroom. Or I could nap. Hmm. Nap. Clean. Nap. Clean.

Maybe I will just switch the laundry and then go lay down for a bit and see what happens.
More later.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Happy Tuesday. Today I got my hair trimmed. And I got this fabulous Republic of Tea cup at the local natural foods store. And Ardyn spent the day slapping or scratching my face when she didn't get what she wanted. Yee.

Last night Evan made fabulous tacos. They were my birthday request and they were SOOOO Good. We were all full. Ardyn ate two soft shelled tacos herself! Seriously! I stayed up way too late, as is evident by my lack of energy today.

Today I, once again, called the window people to see if the windows are in yet. We were told they would be in and ready to install 3-4 weeks after our last appointment, and it has been 4 weeks today. I left a message at the end of last week and they didn't return my call. This was par for the course, as the past two times I have called, no one has returned my call and I had to basically track them down myself. It is incredibly frustrating, and although we have yet to even GET our windows, I can't say that I can recommend them to anyone. I was just discussing this with the husband earlier today, when tonight we had a neighbor drop by, who asked us how things were going with the window company (because they put a sign in our yard) and when we told them we were having a hard time getting them to call us back, she told us that her daughter bought windows in JULY and that they still weren't installed. From the same company. And that she too had several estimates and they were the best price, and that one day when she came home from work, the liquor cabinet had been gotten into by the men doing the installations. Can I just say that I am less than thrilled? And that now I am seriously gonna be on their asses to get things done quickly and correctly? This is insane. Like it could be "Better Business Bureau" insane.

So I am really wanting to expand Ardyn's food choices. It's difficult with the whole "no milk" thing. The hardest is during the day, when we make things for just Ardyn or just Ardyn and I. We have staples that I am not thrilled with, not because they aren't tasty, but because I feel like we are so repetetive and perhaps unhealthy. First of all, she is at the age where she will not eat veggies. Period. Except that now I can get soup with veggies (chicken Noodle, beef vegetable, etc) and she will eat the veggies, and she will eat lettuce on her tacos (although she picks out the tomatoes.) We have to get her special corn soft shells because the flour have milk. She only eats 12 or 15 grain bread, and mostly whole wheat pasta. She likes toast with Sun butter or jelly, and Sun Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. She likes Tuna salad sandwiches and tuna salad in general. She eats chicken nuggets, fish sticks, tater tots, any type of noodles (but can't have cream sauces or any kind, and no cheese sauces) and adores spaghetti type dishes. She will eat a lunchmeat sandwich (no cheese) and likes scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes (special ones with no milk or butter)- I would like to give her oatmeal, but we haven't tried since the milk allergy, since the organic flavored, and instant varieties all contain milk. She likes dry cereal, and will eat some of the cheerios with rice milk over them. She loves and gobbles any kind of fruit and likes jello. Tonight I am thinking about making her jello pudding- certain flavors contain no milk, and I want to try them with rice milk and see if it will setup properly. I just feel like I am feeding her the same foods OVER and OVER again. I guess I need to get out some of my kids cookbooks and see if I can find anything that doesn't have milk or that I can do substitutions with. When I write all that out, it seems like more food options than it seems in my head, especially for a toddler, but she generally is NOT picky. She likes it when I microwave a ripe banana with some spices and brown sugar and cinnamon, and then stir it until it's a chunky warm banana pudding. We love to share that.

Right now we are listening to Kids Radio on, and she is running around the living room screaming various random babbles and dragging a keyboard around by the cord and clapping. Pure Entertainment! I am avoiding washing bibs and digesting my cheesecake that mom brought me for my birthday.

I need to make myself a list of what I need to cook and prep when, and a list of husband tasks, like bringing up the crockpot, and things like that. Since my laser printer is not picking up paper anymore, and no matter how many pieces I have cleaned or taken apart, it won't seem to get better, I am now reinstalling and preparing my color printer (ink jet) for use again. Ugh. I have lots of new ink for it, but the heads need cleaned and everything needs aligned. I am on my second print head cleaning right now. I figure I will probably have to do this like 5 times since it has been sitting unused for close to 2-3 years. But I am so sick of not having a printer!

I am frequently making lists and notes on the computer and if I need to take it with me, I might print it out, and that has been driving me nuts. All the handwriting! Argh! Drives me nuts. I would just do more syncing of my pda phone and keep my notes there, but there is a time change issue on there that messes with my appointments when I sync. Ever since there was the daylight savings time change, my computer hasn't synced correctly, even with all patches installed for the OS and for Outlook. It's frustrating, but it makes me just sync when necessary, and not like on a daily or weekly basis as I normally would.

Today I magically remembered to call my endocrinologist to get the test results from last monday, and of course, they were going to call me back, and never did today. Ugh. I will be calling them by noon tomorrow if I don't hear from them. Frustrating.

The print head cleaning made things better, and now suddenly they are worse than they were before I cleaned. Ugh. I don't want to put new ink in this damn printer. Even if I did, if the print heads are clogged, a new cartridge isn't going to fix that.

Ardyn is doing her signature booty pop and bop to Perry Como and Pappa Loves Mambo! She cracks me up. The things that get her jamming can be so funny.

Well, I give up on this damn printer and I am going to start handwriting my lists. Ugh.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Goodmama ISO/IH list

Not paying more than retail for these, but if anyone has them to sell or trade, I might be interested!


I Found/Have already:

Prints:OBV and Switched:Wetbags:

Because it's Beautiful

Lovely Luminous Lava, originally uploaded by spaceagegirl.

Tea Parties. And Such.

You know, more than anything, I would love to have friends over for tea. Not all friends are suited for tea. But I have certain friends, who I wish I could say "come over for tea" and we could be childless, wear fancy hats and drink tasty tea and eat tiny tea sandwiches cut into pretty triangles and follow up with fabulous desserts and pastries and cookies.

I love tea. I love to try new tea. Today I got my new Republic of Tea catalog in the mail, and I picked out several new types of tea that I want to try. They sell traveler's tins (which besides being awesome cute) are just 6 round teabags and just enough for me to try... and take with me if I want to have tea while out and about. They also have a new travel tea mug with a built in tea press. And I want it. Badly. I have added my choices to my amazon wish list, but I bet that my husband pays no attention to that, so I will be SOL when it comes to a gift of tea for Christmas.
My Wish List
It makes me think of garden paths and gazebos and warm breezes with wafting scents of blooming flowers. Ah. Not happening here in 30 degree Illinois, but I can dream, right? I can't wait until Ardyn gets old enough to REALLY have a tea party. I will live vicariously, and have tea with her as often as possible. Right now she loves to pretend tea parties. She loves to taste my tea, but she usually backwashes. I got her a crazy straw out a few minutes ago so she could taste the "Ginger peach Green tea" I was having, without constantly backwashing, and she swished it around in her mouth a bit and then spit it out down her shirt and on the floor. LOL. Someday...

Today I had a mini-photo shoot with Ardyn and took about 150 pictures. I picked about 9 of them to use on our Christmas Card, and then made the Christmas Cards, and an 8x10 poster collage, and ordered them. They should be here next week which means we should get our Christmas Cards out the first week of December. Yay! The pictures turned out too cute of course, and I can't wait for everyone to get their cards.

I heart tea parties, originally uploaded by Sílvia Leite.

Many of you probably don't know that today is my 30th Birthday. My dad brought over my card and a cute little gift, and mom came by later with a cheesecake sampler for dessert tonight, and two pieces of pumpkin cheesecake for she and I to share. It was yumm-o! I spent the day in pajama pants and slippers, which was nice. Per usual. LOL. Ardyn took a bath and I sat by the side of the tub and read my new Redbook that arrived yesterday.

Chicken at the Tea Party, originally uploaded by Mark Klotz.

Evan introduced my to today. Holy cow. It's an awesome website that is all streaming music. You can listen without a login, or create a free login and add artists to your library, and songs to your own playlists. If I was a cubical person I would so use this at work. It will download to your ipod, but right now I am just using it to listen to awesome music on the computer, and because we have surround on our computer and it's now in the dining room, it works really well.

mistaken identity, originally uploaded by shutterxdown.

Right now I am listening to Elizabeth Mitchell. She is a fabulous artist that sings songs for kids, but they aren't annoying, more like your mother singing to you (which mine always did, and I sing to Ardyn alot) and they are songs that you know, and enjoy, like You Are My Sunshine, Shoo-Fly, etc. Her voice is soothing much like an Allison Krauss or Sarah McLachlan.

Tea Sandwiches (1), originally uploaded by creampuffsinvenice.

So. 30. Today. Ack. But it's okay. Someone said "30 is the new 20" ha ha. Last night I took my OWN bath. And I took the badly chipped polish off my toenails and trimmed them... and for the first time in, oh, 19 years, I left them a blank slate. Seriously. That's huge. Is that what 30 is? Au Naturale? Or is that just pregnant mother of a toddler-esque? For supper we are going to have tacos, but we had lunch at almost 3pm, so it will be a while. Evan is out hunting and gathering taco supplies. Ardyn is reading books and listening to Elizabeth Mitchell Radio. We are quite the ball of excitement around here. Pretty low key, which is perfect. Occasionally I have felt bored today, but I assume that's the feeling that you get when you do nothing on what is supposed to be a big fabulous day. I did get invited to take Ardyn and do lunch and shopping in Geneseo with MIL and GIL, but I was still not dressed and Ardyn had just woke up and hadn't bathed, and I was just unmotivated. And I still am, so that's okay. Another time I suppose.

The Mad Hatter, originally uploaded by david.raphael01.

So, anyone for a tea party? Have these fabulous flickr images helped you get in the mood yet? Finger sandwich anyone? Chai Cake? Honey in your tea? Sugar?

This week I hope to get Ardyn over to see Santa at the mall. Last year we used her Santa picture on some of our Christmas Cards, but of course the mall Santa has a copyright. So even after paying the $20 + to have her pic taken and printed on crappy photo paper right then and there, I still have issues putting it on a Christmas Card because it's all copyrighted and crap. That is a perfect example of the commercialization of Christmas- when Santa has a copyright on his photo so you can sit on his lap but you have to pay him money for every print you use. Seriously. Santa gets royalties. Isn't that fucked up? Of course Evan mentioned that Santa isn't getting royalties. His comment was about how Santa doesn't "belong" to anyone, and that he is essentially "free" and so in a way it's unfair that they can say you can't use the picture of your child with Santa, because that's acting like they have a copyright on santa, which no one does. This conversation cracks me up. I'd like to go to Wal-Mart to pick up my photos and argue that the Mall doesn't own Santa Claus and therefore Santa has no right to prevent me from making unlimited copies of his photo. LOL. They would be like "oh boy, here she goes again!"

The Spread, originally uploaded by traoki.

It appears I am not the first blogger to ask this question. Check out this post.
Damn you Disney! Seems like they were the squashers of the spirit of Christmas.

Finger Sandwiches, originally uploaded by marimelle.

Ardyn got two new pair of Hanna Andersson Mocs today. Well technically used, but you can barely even tell they are used as they are immaculate! They are both pale pink, and in the size she wears now, and the size she will move up to next. I got them from a mom on eBay, and they are just perfect in every way. Even the price was freaking great. She has been wearing them all afternoon and loving them. They are stinkin cute and so practical! We will be getting more, specifically a pair of little brother also.

Ardyn is now dancing around the living room with a crazy straw, in her diaper and mocs and a turquoise shirt. Could she GET any cuter? We are also hosting Thanksgiving this year. Usually I am SUPER excited but to be honest, this year I don't really care. I feel badly about that, but since Ardyn is now old enough to really enjoy Christmas more than last year, I just want to skip to Christmas. That's probably a sad thing to say. But I can't wait. We are having Italian Beef on rolls, 7-layer lettuce salad, potato casserole, beans, deviled eggs, and apple dumplings with vanilla ice cream. That seems to be a simple menu. We usually do traditional, and for the past two years have done deep fried turkey and ham, but I just wasn't into all that this year, with being pregnant, and having Ardyn. I just want simple. I was relaxed. I want casual. So that's what everyone else is getting.

Big Mac, originally uploaded by ittybittybirdy.

In the above photo, all I think about is how I want that bike. And the big mac. I have picked out a very simlar bike that I want by Schwinn, and it has a big fat seat for my fat bottomed girly figure. And I can't wait to get it someday, so that we can ride bikes. I am not wishing away Ardyn's childhood, but just reminding myself that as she gets older there are always new things to look forward to.

tea for the kiddies, originally uploaded by sevenworlds16.

Just this evening, we were all sitting around watching "Holiday Inn" which is an old black and white movie with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire that is the first time the song "White Christmas" was introduced. I was telling Evan how disappointed I am in the fact that we no longer see occasions as special enough to dress up. Men in suits and ties with fedoras and women in pearls with their hair done up and pretty dresses and mink stoles, fancy hats... ah. It just seems a shame to have all these pretty things at our finger tips and never choose to look fabulous. And when the men came by to date, they had flowers and chocolates and they danced and sang and god damn it's frustrating that none of that exists now.

Picnic anyone?, originally uploaded by Romantic Home.

A year or so ago, I asked my grandpa if he remembered dressing up to go places. Whenever you watch an old movie, when traveling, everyone is so dressed up, women with their matching handbags and pillbox hats, and smart colored suits, and I wondered if you truly traveled looking that fabulous (as compared to today's comfy airline attire, flip flops and stretchy pans) and he told me he didn't remember. I just wanted to find out if when he went to an airport back in the day, people were truly walking around all pretty like in the movie that stars James Stewart (Not "It's a Wonderful Life", Not "Shenandoah", not "Winchester '73"...)

So, Help me find a reason to have a tea party. I believe that one should NOT have to have a reason to host a tea party, but in this day and age, I would be having tea alone. Why do you need a reason to wear a fancy hat and eat finger sandwiches? You should NOT I tell you! Maybe if I had gay man friends I could have a tea party just because. It would be fabulous.

Placement, originally uploaded by mattymatt.

Chicken Salad on a buttery fresh croissant. Mmmmm. Fresh Fruit like watermelon, kiwi, and strawberries. Mmmmm. Cheesecake. Cupcakes.

Fancy Dress Tea Food, originally uploaded by AmyBaby5784.

And why not feather boas. or Tiaras. Or sparkly jewels over elbow length gloves if that suits your fancy. I mean, a tea party should just be all about fabulous. The Sky's the limit.

Fancy Nancy Tea Party 006, originally uploaded by acpl.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

More Flickr Prettiness...

Old Bead storage, originally uploaded by princess_lotta.

Pretty Things

vao feirar***, originally uploaded by hippyxic.

I found this photo on flickr. I love all the pretty things on flickr. and the awesome people. smiles.

Ardyn's Apron and Oven Mitts

So I wanted to make Ardyn an apron for Christmas, and I found a tutorial online for toddler aprons out of dishtowels. But when I read the fine print, it said that the apron fit an 8-10 year old. NOT a toddler. So before I even started I was altering it. I didn't like the bias tape neckline, because the neck hole was then a fixed size (not only unpractical, but not able to grow with you), so I modeled it after my Pampered Chef Aprons and made it adjustable with a ribbon neck and ties that slide through a casing. I didn't want to waste all that extra length so I folded the bottom fabric up to make pockets (what's an apron without pockets after all?) and then I added pretty trim and ribbon. Then I decided that I wanted it a little long so she has room to grow, so hence the fact that it's folded up a bit when she is wearing it. Then I had all kinds of extra fabric left so I made some oven mitts. two square potholder types and one oven mitt type. The finished product was really nothing like the tutorial, except that I used a dishtowel. LOL.

Photos for your viewing pleasure.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Reason #456 why one's head might explode this holiday season

Welcome to Radio Shack. Where we do stuff to piss you off.

Me: Hi, I am here to return this product. I called yesterday. It is not working and the product is under warranty. All the paperwork and the receipt's in the bag.

Radio Shack Guy (RSG): Okay. What's wrong with it.

Me: A few months ago it stopped picking up transmission from the outdoor thermometer.

RSG: (taking the wireless indoor/outdoor thermometer from the bag) Okay, let me just take a look at it {*in the tone that means "you stupid people don't know how to work anything, I'll have this fixed in no time"*}

a few minutes later....

RSG: Well, did you put new batteries in it?

Me: Yes.

RSG: Did you-

Me: yes, we used lithium Ion batteries so that it wouldn't freeze up.

RSG: Oh. Okay. Have you...

Me: Read all the directions that are in the bag, reset the unit, got it to work temporarily and then had to go outside to reset it every two days until it quit working completely? Yes.

RSG: (unable to get the device to work) Well, let us just get one off the shelf and replace this then.

Me: (duh.) Okay.


RSG: We will just replace the piece that isn't working correctly. (Removes the outdoor receiver from a new box, attempts to place it in my bag with my old indoor receiver.) Do you need batteries?

Me: No. Why are you not replacing the whole thing. It's under warranty.

RSG: We can't do that (look on his face of everything being completely out of his hands.) We just have to replace what is faulty.

Me: (look on my face like I might jump the counter.) Well, what happens if I get this home and in a month, the indoor receiver quits working? And how will I prove my warranty on the new item you are giving me?

RSG: Yeah, you won't have a warranty on an item that is replaced.

Me: Oh. (calm. stay calm. calm.) Well, I'd like you to test the new outdoor thermometer with my old indoor receiver. I want to be sure they will work before I leave here. I drove 45 minutes and my warranty expires tomorrow. I want to be sure they work.

RSG: (looking as though I am a total moron and pain in his ass) Um. Okay. There is no difference between this new piece and your old piece. They will work fine together.

Me: (oh, except the part that mine was broke) Okay, well, I want you to show me that it works before I leave.

RSG: Okay. (reluctantly reaches into his giant basket of random batteries, spends the next 10 minutes trying in vain to get the new piece to work with the old piece) Um. Well. I-uh....

Me: Doesn't work, does it?

RSG: Did this stop working when the weather got cold?

Me: (smirkish grin) No. Stopped a few months back. In the summer or early fall. Perfectly mild weather.

RSG: well, we usually see the receiver work fine but the outdoor piece go bad because its outside, you know?

Me: Hmmm.

RSG: Well, I guess we will just replace the whole thing then.

Me: Yep (while catching Evan's eye across the store and him looking at me like "you have to be fucking kidding me. This guy is a genius.")

RSG: (removes the new thermometer from all it's packaging, puts the new product back into my ziploc and hands it to me) Well, okay, there you go.

Me: Thanks. (for all your help. and Technical Knowledge and stuff...)

Good Eater!

Tuna Salad. Yum.

There's Something good in there....

Learning to Dip Ketchup

Finally some Pics

Here is some of our thanksgiving fun from the past week.

Turkey Handprints

The poem:
This isn't just a turkey, as you can plainly see,
I made it with my hand, which is a part of me.
It comes with lots of love, especially to say,
I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving Day!
I will never be this size again. Keep this Turkey to remember when
Ardyn Isabel Johnson- 14 1/2 months, November 2008

Pilgrim Hats for Dog and Ardyn:

Coloring for Thanksgiving:
(which we do some of each day, and I put the colored images under the plastic tablecloth and OVER the fall tablecloth, so that we can talk about them later)