Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I totally should be asleep. Right now. And I am tired. I have to get up by 7:30 tomorrow morning, and won't have a single chance for a nap.... so I will regret this later!

Today Ardyn and I went swimming at Grandma's. It was great. The water was nice and cool and we tried out mom's new swimsuit and also Ardyn's speedo swimhat and her new ladybug floaty. Awesome. It was apparently exhausting to swim, because Ardyn was plenty tired this evening.

This week I need to get sewing Ardyn's tank top to wear this Friday on the 4th. I have it all cut out but haven't sewn any of it yet. I also have my cloth napkin project to get moving on. I have two yards of a really nice microfiber twill, super soft, and khaki colored. I hopefully will get around 20 napkins out of it and we will cease using disposable napkins in this house. YAY!!!

Let's Recap the 2008 "Going Green" Resolutions that I have accomplished so far, shall we?

January: Reusable Grocery Bags (including produce bags)
February: Cloth Diapers and Wipes
March: Cloth Mamma Pads
April: Recycle Newspapers, Magazines, and Cardboard
May: Line Dry Clothes and Diapers as much as permitted by Weather. Make Homemade babyfood to reduce expenses and packaging waste and provide more variety and healthy foods for Ardyn.
June: Compost Home and Yard Waste
July: Eliminate Paper Napkins and replace with cloth napkins (which I will make myself to save money)

Does anyone have any suggestions for the upcoming months? We have done lots of other small changes that I don't believe qualify for large monthly goals, but every little but counts.

Tomorrow I will have Ardyn and my 7 year old visitor, so I hope that we get to spend some time outside (watch out for doggie landmines!) and also enjoy the shade some. We moved the swing to the front yard so that I can sit out there and relax and read with Ardyn and watch the girls play. And it would be nice to get started on the tank top. Maybe while Ardyn naps I can sew a bit.

We have had a bit of borderline not feeling well going on over here, mostly just Evan and I. Mostly Evan, and a little bit of me. Evan went to the doctor today and I have started taking fiber supplements and acidophilus and being especially careful of what I am eating, in hopes of smoothing things out. Not sure what is causing everything to be a little on the questionable side. I am partially convinced that I am already getting old and falling apart. This may be due to the fact that even though I am not yet THIRTY, today I received my AARP membership card in the mail. Yep. Evan joked that now that I have "retired" I must be eligible.

I also think that the recent news of several people I know battling cancer has me a little on edge, and worried that I someday might be facing the same fate myself. I know that my mom's cancer wasn't considered a hereditary type, but it seems that cancer is everywhere these days. That reminds me I didn't drink any green tea today. Bummer. I have enough health paranoia as it is that I am never sure if my stomach upset makes me panic or if the panic makes my stomach upset. It's probably an endless cycle of both.

Well, everyone have a wonderful week. I will be back!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Hi, I've been reading your blog for quite some time now, not sure if I have ever commented... I love reading your posts, Your little girls is such a cutie! and you seem like such a wonderful mom so proud! I Also love to see what kinda crafts you have come up with, i've gotten many ideas from your pics, so thank you for that!!

    Michelle C
