Monday, June 30, 2008

So I KNOW that ya'll think I am dead....

But I am not. Really. I am just keeping up with a household that includes two very hairy and stinky dogs and one very very fast crawling- TEN month old (almost!) And she is REALLY working hard on pulling up to stand, she does it frequently now and it won't be long until I think she'll be taking steps!

AND I have been a sewing maniac. Maniac I tell you. I reorganized the entire sewing room. I went on a trip to get a bit of fabric and some elastic that I needed to finish the tank top and came back with this:So I got the tank top finished. It's stinkin cute. Then I cut out a tank top in the fireworks fabric to make for the 4th. We have been invited to four cookouts in three days, and will attend at least 2-3 of them, so I can't wait for her to wear it... but first I have to get sewing.

I wanted to cross the back of the tank top because it would look SO cute, but I didn't want to go to the trouble of how in the world I would get it over her head without adding elastic to the straps, which I didn't want. So it has straight straps in the back.

I am waiting on some Organic Sherpa Fleece that I had to order online (a trip to four different fabric stores resulted in many perplexed looks and one woman telling me there is no such thing) and then I will cut all of the flannel I got and some of the stretchy cotton knits into squares, back them with the sherpa fleece, and serge to create more wipes. I have been using baby washclothes and they worked excellent up until now. Of course they still work but I have to use more than I would like to because as a child's diet increases and expands into new tastes, her diapers expand and increase also... So a little textures Sherpa goes a long way on the ol bottom. I can't wait to get sewing those new wipes. I have ONE sherpa wipe backed with a cotton knit and I love it. I got a cotton knit fabric on clearance for $2.00 a yard, and the fleece prints were on sale too. LOVE it.

I have also been madly sewing fleece diaper soakers, with are super wonderful and I adore them. I will add some pics here of the ones I have sewn this past week. Actually I sewed all five of them in one day. Hee hee.

My favorite is the one with the skull tie-dye- I love the skull on the butt. And I do like the one that I got crazy and did some appliqué on.

I wrote a blog post in the middle of last week but never got to finish it, so I never posted it, but I will do that now.

I am getting ready to start making the cupcake invitations for Ardyn's First birthday party. That should be fun. I can't believe she will be a year old in two months. Doesn't seem possible of course!

I have a sink full of dishes to do. But I am ignoring them. Really ignoring them. I made organic spaghetti for Ardyn yesterday, except I used Couscous because I have such a hard time finding the spaghettio noodles... they are only at one store in our area, and it's an hour away so that just doesn't always happen. I need to freeze those tonight into portions.

For some reason I have been having this constant chest pain all evening. Hope my arteries aren't clogged and that it goes away SOON. It is bugging me and making me feel all icky and panicky. No one wants to have chest pain. So I looked on WebMD and I am sufficiently convinced that's it's just some phantom pain or perhaps muscle pain... and I am not having a heart attack... So on with my blogging.

Ardyn and I went outside and I pushed her in the swing, boy does she love that Step2 Toddler swing. The first time I push her she always gets this look of panic on her face and it stays for a few swings and then is replaced by peals of giggling laughter. Then she grabs onto the ropes and kicks and kicks her legs and feet and squeals with delight. I love seeing her so thrilled!

We entered the Goodmama photo contest on Saturday, and I was hoping that yesterday she would announce the winner, but it's Monday evening and I am still waiting on pins and needles to see if we had a chance at winning. Here is the photo that we entered (you have to be a flickr friend to view it because she is in a diaper and I am protecting her from the pervs on the internet) We also made copies of it for family as her 10 month photo. I took the picture, and it was my only real photo shoot attempt since the teacup pictures, so I was pretty pleased with the results. My new camera is too awesome for words!

Ardyn's newest accomplishments in the past few days include a few new words. Pretzel (Insane I know, I know- but she was repeating me, it was plain as day, and Evan heard her too.) and Roxy (my parent's dog) and she now barks like a dog and pants like a dog.... whenever she hears a dog, sees a dog, or sees a dog on TV, or in a picture. It is especially evident when she reads books. Today she saw a cow in a book and she said "Arf arf" and then DOG and Evan said "No thats a cow" and Ardyn looked at him and shook her head no and said "Arf Arf!" Hee hee.

Today I ordered myself a tie-dyed Bravado Nursing bra. It's the first expensive nursing bra I have bought and I have been nursing for 10 months now. I feel like I need and deserve a comfy cotton one for summer. And it's pretty and makes me think of how happy tie dye makes me. So I can't wait for it to get here. I hope it fits well and is a favorite. Everyone raves about them. I had two that I bought on ebay when I was pregnant but my milk came in and my ribcage expanded too with pregnancy, so it was WAY too small. I traded them to a mamma on diaperswappers for custom dyed and knit wool shorties for Ardyn. It was an awesome trade!

Well, I am outta stuff to talk about for now. Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    OMG these are so cute. You should sell them. I mean not sell your babies clothes, but make more & sell those. :)
