Monday, September 18, 2006

Homework for my Readers!

Listening To: Big and Rich Caught Up In The Moment
Wearing: Black Scoopneck Ballet Top, Black Skirt with lace Hem, Black Tights and Black Heeled Mary Janes, Wedding Ring, Black Dangly Earrings, Black Necklace.

Reminder: Tonight, Wife Swap Premiere with Mad Sally.... Tomorrow, International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Things for my Readers To Do:
Readers, Watch Wife Swap tonight and write a 3 paragraph summary, reporting back here tomorrow to post it in the comments.

Also- go visit the Absent Canadian. He is my new renter, a Canadian transported and living in North Carolina. It looks like he links to some places that I visit frequently. My very favorite part of his blog so far? I know this is bizarre... but in his about me area he has a comment from "vanessa" and in the comment she says "I had the BIGGEST Crush on you in high school" and I thought to myself (and later to my husband) WHY would you SAY That to anyone? If you had a crush on them, why would you EVER mention it? And if you did, WHY would you do it via a comment posting on the INTERNET? Oh Vanessa. Is your middle name stalker? Poor chicky. She needs help. If anyone can find her myspace page, let me know, I would love to see it. LOL. (You know how much I DESPISE MySpace.)

Things for Meagan To Do:
Bake the pumpkin pie already
Clean the Scrapbook Room Table so I can make my ATC's
Make the ATC's that I am so terribly behind on
Balance the Checkbook and Write out the Checks for Bills
Configure my router to allow VOIP Traffic through over download traffic
Take a Walk with the dogs again
Pay for my Halloween Costume
Work on my Fall Swap package for Anka from Germany

So I have officially started my fall apple addiction. I had two apples last night and one this morning on the way to work and I am eating another one right now as I type. My favorite apples are Johnathan's. I love tart apples. Not mushy, not sweet. Tart. And I have a green apple right now. Yum! I would love to run an apple orchard.

What's your favorite kind of apple to munch on?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    We picked 3 bushels of apples off our trees the other ight. We also picked probably close to 150 bird house gords that we have sitting out drying. I will have a bunch of birdhouses to make and give away once they dry
