Friday, June 09, 2006

Should I paint It?

Blogger is pissing me off this week. My husband is pissing me off this week. My stomach is pissing me off this week. Can't everyone just STOP pissing me off?

Glad we got that out of the way.

This weekend is looking to be semi-eventful. We have the annual Baker Reunion in Wyanet on Saturday. It is usually an okay time. I have to give them credit, they have succeeded in having a pretty decent reunion for a very long time. I don't go to hardly any of my family reunions, we only have two (both on my dad's side) and they are usually on a weekend when something else is going on. I am not looking forward to the "take food and eat" part of it because with South Beach I am sure there will be plenty more that I can't eat than what I can eat. Plus it is usually so freaking hot... but this year I am hearing 75 and potential for rain, so that is good. I felt so sick yesterday that I didn't even EAT supper last night. I did have Sugar free Fudge pop when my stomach was growlish, and later at about 11:30pm I had a little bowl of mixed berries. And after I ate the berries my stomach started hurting again. And it hurts today too. I just keep eating mints and chewing gum. Ugh.

My mom read in the paper about a big garage sale on Saturday, so Anya and I are thinking about going and taking Ava. i am more excited about the garage sale than any other weekend activity. I suppose there may be swimming.... or golfing.... but who knows. If I feel this icky, I probably won't care.

Last night while lying in bed in my underwear in the heat, watching TV... I went through about 10-15 magazines, mostly on cottage style decorating. I ripped out all the things that intrigued me, planning on affixing them into my altered journal for future inspiration. Which will save me from hanging onto 15 magazines that I have to look through each time I want to find something good. Although now I am wishing I would have saved some because i could have cut stuff out of them for collages. Oh Pack Rat. Why can't you stop? Crafty Crafty Chick!

So if my weekend goes well, I would like to spend as much of my time altering my journal as possible and as little time talking to others as possible. And I should probably clean the scrapbook room.

I also got a hair up my ass to paint the sewing room. It's already painted white, just cement and brick in the basement. Nothing fancy at all. But suddenly, I want to paint it a bright color. Turquoise. Apple Green. Purple. Anything but WHITE! If I tell my husband he will tell me NO. So I am seriously debating just doing it myself without asking permission or running it by him. Like one day he comes home and I am in shorts and a t-shirt covered in turquoise paint and have half the room painted with all the crap piled on the other side of the room. Hmmmm....

Please tell me in the comments- should I paint it? Should I? Should I? Be a big girl and do it all by myself!?
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  1. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I think you should paint it. It will help make you feel better and maybe help inspire you with your projects.

  2. *insert pissing-off-Meagan comment here*

    I just want to see what happens when you explode !


  3. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Paint the room!!

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Paint the room!!! Does husband ask your permission to stay out with his friends? You should not need permission to do something that will make you feel good and that does not hurt another person.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Enjoyed a lot! » » »
