Sunday, June 11, 2006


Well, I am painting! I did end up pointing out my inspiration page to husband, and believe it or not, he said "go buy the paint." which was sort of surprising. With all his crankiness of late I was for sure that he would think it was another one of my unnecessary "big ideas."

I bought the paint Friday night and I painted today, I have 2 and 3/4 walls done, of the four. It takes quite a bit of time, because the walls are old cement and rough, so you have to use a brush, and then you have to dab the brush in all the cement crevices... and I decided to leave the upper 1/4 of the room, which is brick, white so that it would save time and maybe the room wouldn't be so overwhelmingly aqua. I like it so far. Of course the floor is uneven, the walls bow, and the cement is ANCIENT, but it's the best I can do with what I have. I know it isn't perfect or fabulous... but I am still happier when it is turquoise! And it does brighten the room. I also bought some cheap $2 a yard fabric to make a matching curtain with little flower tie backs, and I think a skirt for my big table and perhaps my sewing machine.... so that it looks a bit more finished and I can stash totes of fabric under the table. Who knows. It might be 2010 before I do that....

One thing I can tell you, you HAVE to get "paint-pourri" next time you paint. I bought Citrus Paint-pourri at Wal-Mart and they mixed it in with my paint. It makes the paint smell citrus-y and there is NO paint fumes. The whole house smells like I scrubbed it with lemons. It is supposed to stay in the room (the air-freshener scent) for 6-12 months, which will be nice in the basement! It is great stuff! Even if it doesn't last, it has made painting in an enclosed area FABULOUS!

I have probably put 4.5 hours into painting already, for three walls. I listened to some kick ass music, including: Jamiroquai, Tripping Daisy, Sublime, Violent Femmes, Green Day, The Gourds (Gin and Juice) Tommy James and The Shondells, L7, Hum, and Liz Phair.

Friday night I watched Ava. Saturday morning Anya and I took Ava and went to a yard sale that was advertised as AWESOME and we got there and it was a BUST. Then Evan and I went to his family reunion, which was fun (really) and then we fell asleep for two or three hours at home. I had a dream about people with telescoping legs (like camera tri-pods.) They were awesome!

Then my friend Angela called and we went out for supper at Mi Margarita's in Peru, and followed up with a trip to Home Depot, where I was SEVERELY disappointed in their garden center, and the number of plants they had that were not hardy in Illinois. Why would anyone pay $24-$34 each for the Tropical Hibiscus, Azalea, and a flowering vine- just so they can die. And the kicker is that most folks probably have no idea those aren't hardy here. Bastards. Then we went to McDonalds and I had ice cream, and Ang had coffee and an apple pie. We sat up talking till about 1am, and the second she left I remembered that I forgot to go to work! YIKES! So I ran my ass to work at 1:30am and got my shit done, then to Wal-mart and bought toilet paper and also more adhesive (4 pack) ALL of which I used today in my altered journal. (the adhesive, not the toilet paper) Jeez.

Today I painted for several hours, then went to work again, then came back and painted again. I ate supper (salmon and vegetables, with berries for dessert), started laundry, and painted more... I just finished my painting for the night.

Now I need to take a bath to get the blue paint off my legs.

Goodnight all!

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  1. Jamiroquai ROCKS, its the best music to dance to alone in your house when you have all the windows open.. *cough*

    I love his hats !

  2. I LOVE Jamiroquai! Most people have never even HEARD of! I started listening to them back in the early 90's in high school and I still love it all!

  3. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Best regards from NY! » »
