Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Shadows Grow So Long, Before My Eyes.... Suddenly the Day Turns into Night

Well, I keep forgetting to take pictures of the living room now that we have FURNITURE! Yeah! I don't know what took so long, except that for the past three days (when I actually remembered) the batteries that were in my digital camera were dead, and Tonight we tried batteries from every appliance, remote, wireless video game controller, and vibrator in the house and they didn't even have enough juice to get the damn camera to turn on. SO we charged some up and NOW I took pictures and have some to share. I am going to put them here in a small thumbnail-ish format, so just click to see them BIG, that way it won't slow down the blog load time any more. It's already excruciating for you dial up fools.

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  1. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Beautimus! I'm just a tad jealous, but I'll get over it! :o)

  2. Hey, It's Jules...I saw you commented on my old site with the crazy psycho. I just deleted it. My other blog address is http://myrandominsanity1970.blogspot.com I linked you because I've been reading you for a week or so. I like your blog.

  3. I quite love the living room. I am especially a huge fan of leather and the dark wood. mmmmm.

    A quick question... You actually tried the batteries in the vibrator ? you must've really wanted the photos.

  4. yes Matt, I really wanted the photos. That. Bad.

    Thanks, I am glad you all like!
