Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beans, HNT, South Beach

Well, today my gears are turning for HNT. Since this is St. Pat's week, I am looking for some "green" ideas for photos. At osbasso's request. I thought maybe I could start chasing rainbows around and see if I can get any naked leprechaun pictures, but I am not so sure the weather will be cooperating. But I do have batteries for my camera fully charged now.

Besides that, I am just really glad it is Wednesday, that means just a hop skip and jump away from the weekend. I have "stamp camp" this Saturday, but besides that I am free as a bird. The first weekend in the past two weeks that I haven't had to "go to work" or "clean the house" although if the weather cooperates, we will probably try to get those leaves burned that we raked last Saturday. Assuming they are dry. And we will burn the ditch alongside the house where the wildflowers grow. I can't wait till they are blooming and I can take pictures of that to show you.

I made chili last night with 13 types of beans. It's after me today. I knew I would regret that.

All my friends are out and about. AJK at work in Chicago area, CLS growing a baby out in Mormon Country, ALT ready to have a baby girl any minute now, Jackson is cranky today-I think he finally got "old", CB is finally the suga mama she wants to be, and JC and LL finally have a computer of their own, AND internet! How cool is that. But I don't know their email address so I can't even point them to the blog. My mom got a new car, which she highly deserved, and my sister got hers back from the body shop and got new tires.

I personally am just putting one foot in front of the other today. I slept like a rock last night. With the sun out so early, I woke up at 6:30 am and panicked that I had overslept, which is bizarre considering I always sleep till 9am. Then I lay back down and I DID oversleep, till 9:45. Oops. I am not really tired, I am just tired of the same old shit. I ache for good changes, but no matter what I do, they won't come. Long story, not particularly blog material. But I will manage.

South Beach is pretty okay. I am not really making much change into Phase 2, I am pretty much just on phase 1 with the addition of wraps and yogurt. But I am not losing weight. I haven't lost any since the first 10 pounds. So I guess I need exercise, which I get when I work in the yard raking leaves and cutting back plants, and when we cleaned the dog kennels and houses, and when I haul laundry up and down the stairs, and when I clean house.... but apparently that isn't enough. Damn treadmill staring at me. My friend PG said that sometimes with women it takes a longer time for South Beach to take effect. And if anyone knows, it's him.
So I am sticking with it fine but since I only lost ten pounds and then in the next two weeks plateaued... I am not so thrilled with it because it makes me feel like a failure.

Enough of this endless pointless blabber. More when I actually have something to say.
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  1. Well, your living room looks absolutely gorgeous (I covet it); the weight loss will come, and spring is on the way, so it'll be easier for you to exercise. Everything will be fine!

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