Monday, March 16, 2009

Feeling sleepy....

What a nice day outside today! After our morning Baths, I packed a picnic lunch and the cozy coupe and Ardyn and I headed for Grandma Deb's house. We had a picnic lunch in the yard and then played outside, with bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Then we watched Ardyn play with dirt, rocks, and sticks... and grandma and I (mostly grandma) pushed her around in the cozy coupe. When grandpa got home from work, we all went in the truck into the pasture to check the cattle. Ardyn loves to see the cows. We were deciding if the cows were going to have their calves before I have Marek. It will be neat if Ardyn is at Grandma's (while I am in the hospital) when the calves are born, and can go see them when they are little.

We all had supper together and then I worked on planning my upcoming scrapbook pages, that I would like to get done before Marek gets here. I got through her 1st Thanksgiving, 1st July 4th, and our trip to the Chicago Green Expo. That leaves photos from her first Christmas and first Easter, which I already have printed. Then after that I have just the photos from each month, and I will have her first year complete, and be CLOSE to caught up. She was ready to go to bed early tonight, before even leaving grandma's house. She said "Mommy, go night night. Bye Grandma. Bye house." LOL.

She came home and went RIGHT to bed. I started diaper laundry and now I am watching my TIVO'd Desperate Housewives and deciding if I want to work on sorting those photos from the last two holidays tonight, or maybe take a break until tomorrow. Although tomorrow I have my midwife appt and will take Ardyn with. It's supposed to be 75 degrees, and she has a cute green sundress and a green tiara from the Target $1 bin that I think we will put on her for fun.

I am really feeling the pelvis stretching today. I am super sore tonight! My back hurts, and my legs, and my butt. I think I will sleep well tonight.

I am hoping that tomorrow will also bring my diaper layaway that I recently paid off, and maybe even the name labels for Marek's bottles/sippy cups. And Ardyn and I each got new flip flops from Old Navy coming, and I got three clearance tank tops. I am excited about Ardyn being able to wear flip flops this summer. I got the ones with the straps on the back for toddlers, and I hope that she doesn't fall in them. :)

Well, I need to wind down for bed, and put soap in the diaper load, so have a great St. Patrick's Day!

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