Saturday, December 13, 2008

Windows Installed!

The new windows. Are installed! YAY!!! )pics on flickr) I haven't noticed being able to turn the thermostat down, but I have already noticed a more consistent temp throughout the house and no more drafts along the walls/windows. I have also noticed the toilet seat is about 10 degrees warmer (bonus!) and that the furnace isn't running as frequently to keep up.

They arrived an hour and 15 minutes early (yikes) and got the entire job done, 12 windows inside and out, cleaned up, did the paperwork, and left in a total of 5.5 hours! Just two (very experienced) installers. They did a fabulous job, left minimal mess (bonus #2!) and were very polite and funny.

Ardyn spent the day at MIL's house. We got all the curtains washed and the curtains and blinds all back up. Then we are (for the first time since breakfast) at 4pm and went to get Ardyn, and took her to my parents, where she stayed the night and will be for most of today.

Last night I was alone and ran to the mall and Hobby Lobby. I had gotten TWO of those coupons for JCPenney where you save $10 on any purchase of $10 or more, and I fully intended to use them both. I also wanted to exchange a cricut cartridge at Hobby Lobby, since the cricut rebate includes a free "My Community" Cartridge, I exchanged that one for "New Arrival." At JC Penney I got Ardyn 2 pair of training pants and 5 pair of pretty girly underwear for about $3.00! They were 8.99 each, and buy 1 get one half, and then the coupon, and it was super cheap! Then I got something for myself (ahhh) a track suit that is non-maternity but still looks cute as maternity (I am surprised at how many non maternity items I wear comfortably this pregnancy- all by my jeans!) and it's hot pink with stripes down the legs and arms. It was originally $26.00 for each piece, but they were cut back to $14.99, and add in the $10 off coupon.... the whole suit was $20 including tax. I also got some hair clips for Ardyn that were buy 1 get one half. She needed some purple and pink ones. She has outgrown some of the ones she originally had, as her hair amount has really increased and it's pretty thick. Plus she has broken or lost a few. Some of the clips will match her Christmas outfits, so that is exciting for mom. I also got her a sweater to wear for Christmas and to go see Santa, that matches her skirt... it was at Bergners for $25, and it was already 50% off and then I saw a snag (teeny tiny) that got me another 10% off. So 60% off amounted so something like $11 including tax. Good deal! Except this morning, I can't FIND it. Or the skirt that I took with the match. I have a very scary feeling that I left it in the bathroom at Penneys or something, but I keep telling myself that it's probably in the van and I will have Evan look in a while. It would really suck to have a full Christmas outfit and have lost it at the mall! We have three Christmases to attend, so I have got something planned for each one, and losing one outfit (plus it's the santa outfit!) is making me frantic just thinking about it! then I grabbed some things for home, like bananas, tylenol for Ardyn, Pedialyte to keep on hand for this icky flu season, toothpaste, stuff like that.

Today I have big plans to do things around here, but Evan woke up with "my cold" (which I've had for a week and Ardyn for 5 days) and so he is sleeping a bit longer. We intend to assemble the kitchen for Santa, and also I want to put up the blinds in the nursery (the caulk was still drying last night) and I am doing laundry and also *hope* to start on my Christmas Pajamas and get the floors mopped. I have a feeling I am going to ignore the floors. They aren't really DIRTY so they might slip by another week or so. I have pulled out all the boyish clothes that I had for Ardyn at 0-3 months and all the Gender Neutral Infant socks, and am washing those today also. I was surprised to find just how many items had stains that re-appeared after storage. I knew that formula stains came back, but I had been told by several people that breastmilk stains would not. As Ardyn never had formula, I thought I had nothing to worry about. Well... wrong. I noticed the most that outfits from daycare had stains, and I figure it's because the spit up sat there for a bit before anyone noticed or got to her. It made me feel really badly and even better that I am home and will be home for Marek. I loved Ardyn's daycare, but they just can't be everywhere! So I have treated with Shout advance and am letting them sit. I don't have high hopes as I had hand me down clothes where the stains would not come out, but it's worth a try.

Since I am working on clothes still, I decided it's time to see what I have that is affected by the Carter's "recall" (the one that isn't really a recall) and so I have pulled a few things with the offending tags. I was worried that the one blue dress that Ardyn wore in the parade when she was 5 days old, would have that tag, and I would want to keep it since it is so tiny and cute, and luckily it did NOT have that tag. But all of the rest of her Carter's onesies and sleepers do. So I have several more sizes and totes to get through and then I will decide about sending them back for my refund.

Well, I guess I should get going and accomplish something. Maybe I can make Evan wake up.

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