Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all and to all a GOOD NIGHT!!!

We had a really awesome Christmas. I am actually surprised how tired I am tonight, and I do have a headache that's hanging on despite two tylenol a couple of hours ago.
Evan and Meagan and Ardyn- Christmas Eve 2008

We started Christmas Eve at Evan's grandparents. The highlight of the evening was Uncle Mike wrapping up Tess's dog as his white elephant gift. Tess goes to college this fall and the dog can't go with. But since Tess was in the white elephant exchange, she got her own dog back.

Excitement and Surprise as Ellie Pops out!
Ellie pops out of the box: Mike's White Elephant Gift

Ardyn was so excited to see the dog pop out of the wrapped box. Of course, there were holes in the box and the dog wasn't in there for even 10 minutes.... but it was so funny and cute.

Grandma Mona with a fabulous gift!
Christmas Eve 2008

After the festivities and present opening and WAY too much food, we went on to my parents to get ready for bed. Ardyn got a bit of a second wind. And a third wind. Eventually we all went to bed, but I couldn't sleep and Ardyn then woke up scared, and so I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. I peed four times between the time I got to bed (2am) until 5:30am. Then I was awake for about an hour, and then I slept will from 6:30 until 9:30 when Ardyn woke up. We started today with a BIG delicious breakfast. Biscuits and Gravy, Cinnamon Rolls, Bacon, Eggs, Toast, Hash browns, Orange Juice, Milk, etc. Then we opened presents for almost two full HOURS. It was lots of fun. Ardyn did some hilarious things. There are about 360+ pictures on Flickr for you flickr friends.

Christmas Day 2008

Christmas Day 2008

I was happy when Ardyn opened her Cabbage Patch Newborn from Santa. She loved that the baby had a bottle, and instantly started feeding the baby. She was very nice to the baby, holding her, rocking her, giving kisses. And I got REALLY lucky that Great Grandma Mona bought Ardyn an adorable baby doll stroller that is EXTREMELY well built and also perfectly sized for pushing at a toddler's age. She didn't know that Santa was bringing Ardyn a doll, of course, and it worked out perfectly. Ardyn spent tons of time pushing the new baby doll around grandma Deb's house today.
Christmas Day 2008

She also got a stick horse that sings songs and makes adorable horse noises... and his MOUTH moves when he talks/sings! She loves it.
Christmas Day 2008
She got shape sorting cupcakes and rainbow color cones from Grandma that I had really wanted her to have. They are FABULOUS quality and they are great for learning colors and shapes. She got pots and pans for her Kitchen, and all kinds of baking stuff. She got a Little Einsteins Book and a Penguin Book. She got new tennis shoes, tights, Curious George Band-Aids, Sesame Street ponytail holders and glittery sparkly hair clips. She got a praying precious moments doll, an Abby Cadabby and a Grover Doll, a Pretty and soft Ivory Bear (stuffed), A big farm picture book, a Backyardigans Circus with figures, a Fisher Price food set, and a stuffed Rudolph that Grandpa Dave picked out for her.
Ardyn Checks her stocking

She also found a really cool ruler in her stocking, that has galloping horses on it. It's like a hologram and when you move the ruler the horses gallop, she thinks it's so cool (she loves horses and dogs!) She got NINE DVD's including Muppet Christmas, Pooh's Heffalump Halloween, several Little Einsteins, Mickey's Christmas Sing Along Songs, and a My little Pony LIVE Tea Party DVD. I was really HAPPY that I cleaned Ardyn's room on Christmas Eve and put everything away, and was able to just come home and put all her toys away. I have a home for everything, which is AWESOME. Although I do need to get a couple more of the clear bins for her shelves, so that some of her new toys can be separated.
Excitement on Christmas Day
After opening gifts, we had "snacks" which we all did NOT need because we were still full from brunch. After that we chatted in the living room, and Ardyn fell asleep. Evan decided to make a trip home with a load of goodies. Because the weather was sketchy, we decided to take his SUV with AWD instead of the van, so we had like HALF the cargo room. When he loaded up and left, my sister and I each lay down for a nice nap.

Peek-a-boo grandma Deb!
Christmas Day 2008

When we got up, supper was almost ready and our grandparents came down to visit. We were all STILL so full that we barely ate any of mom's delicious lasagna. Then later we squeezed down ice cream with caramel or hot fudge sauce. around 8:30 I looked at Evan and we mutually agreed that it was time for us to pack up and head home. When we got home Evan unloaded everything and I started putting things away.

Ardyn reading with Great Grandma Rodgers:
Ardyn reading with Great Grandma Rodgers

Tomorrow we are supposed to go to Evan's parents for a few more gifts they have for Ardyn. I am just hoping for a good night's sleep tonight (which I am sure we will have) and a late start tomorrow with a relaxing day. I managed to wear comfy lounge like pants for all of Christmas, and actually nixed the jeans that I had planned on wearing. I need all the room I can get for extra food these days!

The Christmas Ham:
Christmas ham- 2008

We had an excellent Christmas. It was really nice to see everyone, and to be relaxed and comfortable all day today. I can't believe that even with only going TWO places, I am still exhausted. I think it was just all the packing and unpacking and all the remembering. It's kinda like how travel can be exhausting. What I am also super thankful for is the fact that we don't have to work tomorrow. I adore staying at home. Wouldn't change a thing.

Ardyn drinking juice.... with Dad....
Christmas Day 2008

Mom took some cute pictures of Ardyn and I in our Christmas Pajamas on Christmas Eve, but her hand was over the flash so they didn't turn out well. I am going to post one here, I wish the flash hadn't been all screwed up, because they are cute!
Christmas Eve 2008

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