Sunday, December 21, 2008

Current WIPs

At any given time I might have 5 or more different craft projects going on. Here are a couple I have going right now!

Baby Afghan:
WIP: Baby Afghan

I really started this when pregnant with Ardyn, before I knew if she was a girl or boy. I wanted it to match her room, be able to be used by future kids, and also fit a toddler bed later.... and it took WAY longer than I anticipated because the yarn and hook I chose were so small. It takes a full skein of the yarn to make about 2 inches of progress. I lost track a long time ago, but I estimate there are about 16 skeins of yarn.... and I still need more. I'd be happy to get 5 more inches on it before the baby comes, but I would be THRILLED to get 10 more. Too bad Ardyn never got to use it! that makes me feel guilty! It's about 55x32 inches right now.

Mom's Christmas Pajamas:
WIP: Maternity Christmas Pajamas

I started my Christmas Pajamas today. I have Ardyn and Evan's done, but of course have waited till the last minute to make mine. But that way I know they will fit with my expanding belly. I used a New Look Pattern for mine that is fitted at the waist, and has a low rise, and then I elimiated their waistband casing and drawstring and put in my own lower waistband with elastic. All I have left to do is hem them at this point. I *should* be able to wear them pregnant or not. They are really low rise, and they feel comfy standing, but I haven't tried sitting yet to see how much crack I show in the back. LOL. Ardyn's and mine are both snowflake pants and Evan has a dusty blue colored pair of PJ Pants that coordinate.

Laying out Maternity Christmas Pajamas

I have lots of tables in my sewing room, but not one of them is "clear" right now. They have enough room to cut out smaller things, but not something this large. Plus in the dining room I can do it sitting, and pull all the dining room chairs out and make a "bench" like thing that I can just scoot around on and always be sitting while I lay out the pattern, pin, and cut. Today I picked my pattern, got everything cut, laid out, pinned and put all the pants together. I might finish the hems tonight or perhaps tomorrow. Not a big deal :)

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