Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another Busy (and productive!) Day!

Another GREAT Day! We woke up to a friend plowing our driveway (how awesome is that?) and then Ardyn and I took a bath and got packed to go to Grandma Deb's for the day. We stopped at her work to visit her just after lunch, and then we saw Grandpa Dave plowing the driveway out with the tractor and blade. While at Grandma's (from like 1pm-9pm) we did all KINDS of great stuff.

I started out making some quick and simple packaging for my soap (to give out Saturday.) The Pink grapefruit soap and the peppermint soap are each wrapped differently. They turned out cute. I have some templates for pillowboxes and other cute wrapping ideas, but this time I just did a quick wrap with craft paper, and some ribbon and embellishments on top.

Peppermint Soaps:
Peppermint Soap- Wrapped

Grapefruit Blush Soaps:
Grapefruit Blush Soap- Wrapped

Then mom had four gifts for her friends that she wanted snowflake tags on, so I set to work on those. They were tons of fun. I thought that instead of just snowflakes they needed some sparkly trees and tiny pairs of ice skates... this is what I came up with, and the gifts were so cute!

Gift Exchange Gifts:
Gift Tags by Meagan

Close up of Tags:
Gift Tags by Meagan

After that, Ardyn went down for her nap and mom and I put a carseat in her car. We had a hell of a time because even though it's a 2001, there is no latch, except it very crazily does have overhead latch tethers. So we were supposed to use the lap and shoulder belts, according to the manual, but the shoulder belts won't LOCK so the seat isn't secure. I don't know what is up with that. She is going to take it to a car seat tech to get it in there properly. Evan insists that you probably "just can't put a carseat in her car" and I don't believe that for one second.

Then mom started doing some cooking. She made two coffeecakes while I made Aloha Dip and Mexican Pinwheels for her to take to her work party on Thursday. Then we watched the White House Christmas, which was neat.... and Ardyn investigated all the presents at Grandma's house and counted the stockings over and over. She can count to three, and then she waits while you count and then she says "six" because that's how many stockings there are. LOL. We took some pics of her by the stockings and into the presents, and they are on Flickr.

Fabulous Gift mom was wrapping:
Fabulous Gift at Mom's

Now we are safe and snug at home. Tomorrow afternoon they are predicting LOTS of freezing rain and it should go through the night Thursday and into Friday morning. Then some call for it to change to snow until noon, and others say freezing rain till noon. They are expecting most of the schools to be cancelled, and my mom's vision is that the power will be out, which is not good for anyone, buy really sucks when you have small kids and you want them to stay warm. We can travel to my parents because they have a woodburning stove for heat, but the problem is if the roads are too bad for travel.... Ick. So we will see. Weather pending we are hoping to take Ardyn to see Santa on Friday... it just depends on which weather person is the right predictor. I always trust the NOAA and ignore most local weather people, as they always seem to be off and I have found NOAA to be either dead on or at least EXACTLY up to the minute with their predictions, changing them quicker than most local meteorologists.

Tonight I hope to catch up on Tivo, as I have a CSI Miami, John and Kate Plus 8, and probably a Dirty Sexy Money now to watch. Dirty Sexy Money got cancelled and there is only a handful of episodes left, so I plan on enjoying every last one!

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    There is usually a clip on the bottom side or back of the carseat so that it can be installed in a seat without the latch system.

    Hope this helps.
