Sunday, July 20, 2008


Another weekend over. I need to keep reminding myself that it doesn't really matter to me. Everyday is a weekend. :) Ahhh.

Evan and I went on a date night on Saturday, and had a great time. We ate at Flat Top Grill (the most awesome stir fry ever) and went shopping at the outdoor mall. I got three tank tops for $1.99 each at Old Navy, and a shirt. We grabbed a few clearance items for Ardyn and two pair of pajamas for this fall and winter. I also got a few items for a baby shower that I have to go to in a week.

Thursday I picked a gallon of cherries. Friday we pitted the gallon of Cherries and Friday afternoon, Ardyn and I picked sweet corn and went grocery shopping with my mom. I got tons of stuff for cheap, since I adore Aldi's. Right now our house is overflowing with fresh fruits, produce, and such. Today I made pasta salad before 9am, cleaned up all my DISHES from the making of the salad, and by the time Ardyn woke up from her nap, I shredded a HUGE batch of zucchini and sliced two big cucumbers. Evan was husking sweet corn and then I blanched and froze 2 dozen ears. I washed a huge bunch of green grapes and made pasta with spaghetti sauce in bulk and froze a bunch for Ardyn. She pretty much eats table food, but there is the occasion where what we are having really isn't suitable for an entire meal for her, so it's nice to keep a few things frozen that I can pull out for her.

Saturday I made Sugar Free Orange Jello with Mandarin Oranges for Ardyn. I cleaned house and organized the pantry. I packed away her bottles, her sterilizer, and her infant spoons. I found a mom of twins to give my babyfood stash too, since we don't need them anymore. I pakced away her cloth bibs and burp rags. She is such a big girl!

After this afternoon's escapades, I have more dishes to do, and my compost container in the kitchen is full. Once I get that taken care of, I have apple crisp and cherry crisp to make, and zucchini bars. Tomorow I am going to make Creamy Cucumber Canapes (one of my former Pampered Chef recipes) with the cucumbers, and maybe get some crisp made, although I see that more as a Tuesday project since we have a bunch of other stuff to do on Monday.

I am working on laundry still, and tonight I have to wash diapers. not because I have too many dirty ones, but because I have too many poopy ones!

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