Friday, February 29, 2008

Comcast is Pissing Me Off.

Still no response from Comcast. They suck. And I heard through the grapevine of a home based business in Princeton that has had so much trouble with their high speed internet since the switch to Comcast, and have been given such the run around about how they are "working on it" that they had to go out and secure internet service from another provider. I am already not pleased. I haven't heard a word from them since I submitted my online complaint, the one that I would hear back from in "24 hours." Yeah right. So they must be short staffed, but they certainly were still able to BILL ME for service that I don't have. The bill arrived Wednesday in the mail. Grand.

Ardyn is 6 months old on Monday. I am looking forward to the weekend. I get so much accomplished and feel so much more relaxed. We have plans to have visitors on Saturday, which will be nice, and plans on Sunday too. But not harsh stressing plans. Laid back relaxing plans. Ahhh. I always love when plans include pork chops. LOL.

I have a busy week coming up.... hair appointment, dr. appointment, computer user group meeting, and dinner out next weekend followed by Ardyn's 6 month Dr. appointment and shots the following week.

We are really holding out for spring. I know that alot of you are in other states and warmer climates, and I have to tell you that this has been one of the worst winters we have had in a while, as far as freezing, thawing, melting, snowing, blowing, and cold are considered. It's really just messy all around. It gets warm enough to melt, then it rains, then it sleets, then it snows on top of everything, and then it gets cold (single digits and below zero windchills) and seriously windy, and then it all starts all over again. We've been doing this for months now, and with the baby it especially sucks because not only am I carrying things around like a pack mule, but also bundling up the baby and carrying her around and trying to keep her warm and dry. There has really been enough winter weather for me this year, and I don't even really mind snow. But it's the messy mixtures and the wind that really suck. And I think everyone is tired of this circulating sickness that it seems everyone has, and the lack of sunshine is just plain depressing. I never in my life thought that I would wish for a SAD light, but this weather is ridiculous. I wonder how my cousin and friend do it in Alaska with all the darkness.

So, not a whole lot else happening. Planning on giving Ardyn a little sweet potatoes tonight to try, and green beans by Monday. She's cool with Carrots and Squash but she really despises the Peas, and yesterday she threw up peas at daycare while they were feeding her. They just really trigger her gag reflex. Might not be up her alley. She loves her oatmeal, and I love weekends because I have enough time in the mornings to give her oatmeal and fruit. Someday I will have time to give her oatmeal and fruit every morning!! Until then, it's breastmilk ala-carte twice before daycare. Have a nice weekend! And since I am stealing someone's wireless network connection in order to post this, you may or may not hear from me much this weekend!

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