Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Let's Go Jogging!

Well, the day went well. Ardyn and I went to my computer user group meeting at the library this afternoon. She did fairly well, only fussing a little bit. They have a rocker in the children's section so I was able to rock and she fell asleep. Then we went to the Coffee Depot where I had a chicken salad sandwich, cottage cheese, fruit, and cinnamon ice cream for lunch. Then (after making all those healthy decisions) I ate Beef Jerky, Cheese and Cracker Combos, a bottle of water, and a Reese's Crunchy Candy Bar. Yeah. Not all at once, I just bought it all and spread it out from 2pm-8pm. Ha.

Ardyn was SO stinking tired tonight. She refuses to nap for longer than 10 minutes at a time during the day, so most nights by 7:30 she has been awake 12 hours without any more than two 10-20 minute cat naps. It's insanity. She gets SOOO cranky. But you can lay her down all you want, and she wakes up in about 10 minutes or 10 if you are lucky. Then on a rare occasion she will take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. So today, only that one quick nap at the meeting. So by 4:30 she was a BEAR. Crying, cranky, and fighting sleep. By 6:30 we decided to just put her to sleep. I changed her diaper, swaddled her, nursed her, and put her in bed. Now it's 8pm and I am going to bed so that I can get some sleep and hopefully so that I can get up with her at whatever time she sees fit, if she sleeps for her regular amount of time, that should be 4:30am. Let's just hope that she eats and goes back to sleep, because being awake at 4:30am just plain sucks.

I will leave you a picture of Ardyn today, just for fun. She is wearing a pink Adidas Suit and Pink Puma "tennis shoe" socks. Too cute, eh?

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