Saturday, September 01, 2007


Well, It's Saturday. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, I was still awake at 1:30 even though I lay down at 10:30... and then Evan woke me up a few times, and then again to tell me I was snoring, and I had a hard time getting back to sleep. Than I was awake at 7am, ate some cereal, and finally fell back to sleep around 8:30. Ugh.

I was able to sleep in till about 11:30. Anya brought over some Pumpkin Butter from the orchard, which I LOVE and now I need bread or something to put it on. Our fridge. Is Bare. We are out of bread, almost out of milk, out of cereal, and almost out of dog food. It's a hard-knock life. What I really need is a stupid disability check (for the last 6 weeks that they OWE me for) to show up in the mailbox so we can all eat.

So we have no real plans this weekend, I can tell that we won't be very ambitious. When I mentioned to my midwife yesterday that we hadn't decided if we would do anything, she said "Don't.... your water will probably just break as soon as you leave home." It made me laugh, especially when Anya said that she saw her hiking the orchard today. LOL. We might see if there is anyone at the campgrounds tonight and just go visit. The weather is beautiful, and I at least feel like I should be outside a little bit. Maybe I should call my mom later.

Well, I really have nothing exciting to say. Except to Michelle- Yes, when done right, a membrane sweep is excruciating. And I had three. In the past three days. Nuff said, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    OMG, 3 is nutso! I feel for ya, really! I hope you had/have somewhat of an enjoyable weekend. I'm anxious to read a post saying ARDYN HAS ARRIVED!!
