Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tuesday Tidbits

Just sitting here catching up on Tivo before bed. Getting kicked every so often. LOL.

Tonight we took a Family and Friends CPR Course, for adult, child and infant CPR. Evan and I haven't had one since high school, me since like 1994 and him since about 1998. They change the CPR curriculum every 5 years, and LOTS has changed since then. We were glad that we went!

Boyd's newest infatuation is with the back of the stove and the heat/ac vent that is on the wall opposite the stove (as in behind it in the other room.) A while ago he saw a mouse come out of the back of the stove, run around the corner and down the large wall/floor vent. He spent that entire night scratching and howling and sniffing at the vent. That was over a month ago. Now every night he stakes out the vent for at least 1-2 hours, and sniffs under and around the back of the stove. It's like he thinks that the stove and the vent are connected to each other (back to back) and that the mice live in there..... although I haven't seen one yet and no evidence. But every night he stakes out the vent and the stove. It's a mixture of funny and totally annoying.

It was so good to be home on Sunday!! As soon as we got home I unpacked and changed into a tank top and shorts. It was 86 degrees! I ended up vacuuming, organizing, and doing laundry. Monday I was off work so I did much of the same, and ran the dishwasher, and then took a nice bath and went to drop off the wool living room rug and my pink peacoat at the cleaners. Then I got some groceries, went to the locker for some pork chops, and came home to a clean house after the cleaning people. It was hard to go back to work today, but we were busy so there was plenty to keep my mind at work.

After lunch I got called in for mandatory "random" drug and alcohol testing, which cracked me up. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since Thanksgiving last year, so I was saying "I had better blow zeros!" and of course I did. I am saving the paperwork and the breathalyser printout and evidence tape for the baby book. "baby's first breathalyser!" LOL.

I wish I had some chocoalte covered strawberries. What I DO Have is a DQ Oreo Blizzard in the freezer.... Mmmmm! I can't believe it's already almost MAY! Monday I was sitting in the nursery in the glider, and I thought to myself, in just 4 months, there will be a living breathing baby in this room! A little person who will live in our house! Everyday! It will be here before we know it!

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