Monday, January 08, 2007

Cleaning Frenzy!

Well, the weekend is over. And that sucks.
Saturday I cleaned the living room, dining room, front porch, and bedroom.
Then I proceeded to go all crazy on my closet, which hasn't been clean since these photos taken in the Spring of 2006 when I also went all crazy ass on the house. The closet looked much like the before picture in spring of '06, so that I couldn't Get in it or retrieve anything from it.

I got rid of 4 bags of clothes. Evan got rid of one bag from his closet. I packed up TWO totes of clothes for storage (as in I want to keep these) and had an assload of hangers leftover....

Sunday we went to mom and dad's for an afternoon of salad, turkey pot pie, and fabulous desserts. My mom got an awesome genealogy/family tree program for her computer for Christmas, and I installed it and watched the tutorial with her, and then we started the family tree. I showed her how to use the scanner and add multimedia and photos to each person, and we scanned marriage licenses, birth certificates, hospital bracelets, etc. It was good fun.

I sat in front of the wood burner and started a fire, and stayed toasty for a while before going home to clean the kitchen, run the dishwasher, surf the internet, send email to friends, and watch Desperate Housewives. Growing up, we didn't turn the heat on, but used the wood burning stove to heat the house. Our house is big, and was powered by REA, and we couldn't afford the power bills that would run higher than $700 a month in the winter. So on Mother's Day one year, dad and Liz and I went and picked out a wood burning stove and brought it home. My dad built a log splitter himself and we split wood all year long in preparation for the coming winter. As kids we knew how to build fires and run the wood burner. I loved the wood burner, except at about 3 in the morning when the fire was out and it was FREEZING 2 levels above in our bedrooms. Most people don't believe that ANYONE in the 80's and 90's would use a wood burner as the only source of heat for their entire house.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Can you send some of your cleaning motivation my way? I'm having a stampin' up party this weekend and it looks like a tornado ripped through this place!
