Saturday, January 13, 2007

6week 5day Ultrasound

6week 5day Ultrasound, originally uploaded by Dazed81.

Meet Bumpus Parasite Johnson (parasite with a long E- like aphrodite but not.)

Due September 2nd, 2007

This was our Christmas Present, we found out on December 23rd... and I will be 7 weeks tomorrow on January 14th. Had our first ultrasound on Jan 12th and saw a heartbeat and the baby looks great.

I am starting to show enough that a few people have asked and so last night we told both sets of parents, and it's trickling through the family to aunts and uncles and grandparents as we speak. I assume that it's trickling through town too....


  1. Anonymous5:29 PM


  2. Oh Meagan congrats!

    I never post a comment on your site but I read it alllllll the time.

    I'm from WLPC and I've been hooked into your life since before you and Evan were even married! (Oh no... now I sound stalker-ish! I promise I'm not!)

    Anyways... I couldn't contain myself from posting.

    Can I tell the WLPC crew?

  3. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Congrats. Your baby is due on my daughters birthday. I am a lurker that comes out every once and a while. I also knew you from WLPC.

  4. Thanks! Feel free to tell the WLPCers and make sure you send them all over to say HELLO!!!!


  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Congrats Meagan! I'm so happy for you!

    Stephie306 from WLPC2

  6. Betcha didn't know you had such a WLPC fan club huh?

  7. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Congratulations Meagan! You will be a great Mom! I am excited for you. :)

  8. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Meagan, that is wonderful news! You take care of yourself now!!!

    Many blessings,
    PC director in RI

  9. Anonymous10:10 PM

    YAY! Doing the happy dance for you and Evan! I know you've been waiting for this to happen for awhile! Take care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy! Oh ... and keep us all posted!

  10. Anonymous11:04 PM

    congrats! :-) im glad im not a female.

  11. Me too! We're due on the 09/23/07
    Congrats Meagan and Evan! Spooky - but I've always admired the name Evan (I had a school girl crush on Evan Dando) so we've decided to name our babe (if he's boy) Nathaniel Evan! I thinking Evan might take over - as my hubbie isn't keen on Nathaniel.

    Well done to you both, you clever things! Looking forward to future scan piccies

    Bristol, UK

  12. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Wow...nice Christmas gift.

