Saturday, December 23, 2006

NOW It's Christmas

Several times this month my husband and I have remarked "it doesn't even seem like Christmas."

Today after work I had a nice 30 minute massage and got some more bare minerals make-up, all courtesy of a gift certificate that Ava bought me for Christmas. It was a fabulous massage! Then Evan took me to Hardees and I had a Roast Beef (my favorite!!) and Chili Cheese Fries (first time!)

Tonight mom came over and then I popped myself some popcorn and watched "It's a Wonderful Life" on the couch in my pajamas. I LOVE that movie. It's my favorite Christmas Movie of all time. I hadn't seen it in so long, I had forgotten parts! And it's amazing how a favorite like that, which has been around for so many years, can be SO relevant today. And how as you get older, it becomes even BETTER because you can relate to it even more.

Overall, it's been a GREAT day and I am ready for bed!

We have Christmas Gatherings with family every single day from now until Tuesday, so you might not see too much of me for a little bit.... but only time will tell.

As for me, I got the best Christmas present EVER already, so this Christmas is already great!


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Merry Christmas Megan! I have yet to mail your little gift, it's been hectic around here! Enjoy your holiday!

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Enjoy this wonderful time of year. What is the best present EVER that you have already received? Did I miss something?

    Have a great Christmas Meagan and keep up the writing. I can live vicariously through it. ha ha!
