Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year Friday Fiver

Thank GOD it's Friday! This week has been short but it has DRUG by considering that everyone would rather be napping than working!This New Year:
1) Big Party or stay at home alone?
  • We initially planned on going to the Wyanet Community Club Draw Down. But in the last two weeks we were invited to our friends John and Amethyst's house, and we opted to take them up on that offer. I think it will be lots of fun but still plenty relaxing. i.e. I can totally wear stretchy pants and my slippers!
2) Stay up to watch the ball drop?
  • I will certainly try to. We are in a different time zone, so the ball drop happens at 11pm here, and we usually miss in in recent years.
3) Will you make any resolutions?
  • You know, I don't know about that. It seems a little silly to me that we are supposed to have goals based on a calendar year. I honestly make goals for myself year round, and achieve them constantly. It makes me feel much better than that annual pressure type of goal.
4) Is Dick Clark a good host for New Year's Eve?
  • I thought he was supposedly in bad health? I remember last year he couldn't be there. I have to say he is a lot less annoying than anyone else they put on there. The fakeness of Hollywood stars does not fit New Year's Eve. I hope he can be there.... perhaps as a head in a dome, like on Futurama.
5) Do you know the words to Auld Lang Syne?
  • Absolutely. I love love love that song. It's one of my favorite "christmas" tunes and I find myself singing it several times. The Beach Boys do a really good version of it.

1 comment:

  1. I like Dick Clark too and I thought he was there last year? Well anyway he hosted something last year, and it was sad to hear his voice so affected by his stroke. I wish no one had to get sick or old.
