Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Frenzy that Everyone has Created for Me.

Wow! Busy Busy Season!

Last night was our Christmas Party for our department at work. We went to the Chestnut Street Inn in Sheffield, and Monika made Italian. It was FABULOUS!! I got a great gift in the exchange, I received a journal jar and lots of flowers for scrapbooking, and a handmade journal... and a cool book about living artfully, and some misc background papers for scrapbooking. Right up my alley. My gift was also received well. We had a wonderful time together.

When I got home I went right to sleep because I had to get up early again today and come to work early. Today I had so much to do! My sister came over this morning and I had to run to the hobby store and pick up her gift to my dad for Christmas. Then my DAD called me and I had to run to Wal-Mart for him to see if a gift for my mom had arrived on the truck. So I had lunch plans with CB but canceled them to run errands for my family. I didn't even get to EAT lunch because I was gone 45 minutes instead of 30 and didn't even have time or $$ to get something to eat. Someone had bought me a gift card to Wal-Mart and I bought the "Little Big Town" CD and I love love love it. I knew I would. It's fabulous. They are so beautiful!

So I picked up family photos from our trip to East Peoria and a rechargeable battery and charger for my mom's digital camera as she bought one for me and I am paying her back by buying one for her. Tonight I have to wrap presents that arrived at my house from DAD to MOM, so that he can pick them up at midnight tonight. Then tomorrow night MOM will come over to pick up a gift that arrived at my house from MOM to DAD. And today my sister called me with a credit card number so that I could order a gift from her to mom. It's crazy silly really. So right now I have gifts from Liz to Dad, from Dad to Mom, and from Mom to Dad.... all at my house. And I still have 1 gift from Liz to Mom arriving AT my house. Call me Mrs. Claus. And of course my shopping has been done, and all my stuff is wrapped.... so all these running around and wrapping have been for everyone else. Apparently I look like I have time on my hands!

The forecast says rain starting this afternoon and going through Saturday. Not really looking forward to it.

So that's all folks!


  1. I'm confused just reading it all!

    Good luck, and hope things calm down soon!

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Dear Mrs. Claus,

    Can you please swing by Walmart and get my husband that electronicky thing he wanted, and oh yea, Toys R' Us has a few things I forgot to get for the kids -- get those too!

    Wow, what a mess! I got my shopping done early just so I wouldn't have to rush rush.

    Little Big Town, amazing! I love boondocks and bring it on home.

    Try to enjoy the holiday! If you don't mind giving me your address, I have a little gift to send to you!
