Monday, December 04, 2006

And we need a little Christmas, Right this very Minute......

What is it about December that totally sucks? Ah yes, MONEY! We have two license plate renewals due (overdue) that total $170. The power bill is higher because it is now ZERO degrees outside. Tonight I discovered that I have a FLAT tire (CaChing$$ another $90) and we are supposed to be buying Christmas Presents AND making and mailing (ca-ChINg!) Christmas Cards.
Then my co-workers decide that our departmental Christmas Party will be at a neat little location, which I do so adore, that just happens to cost $50 per couple to eat. So not only do I have to take $30 in gifts, but we have to take $50 to eat. That's an $80 occasion, occuring 6 days before Christmas. So that has me all worked up. Then I am supposed to be participating in THREE gift exchanges with a $15-25 gift, on top of my usual gifts for Family, Husband, and my two bestest friends. If it were up to me? Prioritize. Purchase gifts for my family, my husbands, and my two bestest friends. Don't purchase gifts for co-workers. Don't get in on the three gift exchanges. Don't spend $50 to eat at a restraunt 6 days before Christmas when we could all bring something and have snacks at someone's home (I would even offer mine!) And pay my bills and get a new tire instead of frantically freaking out about how in the FUCK I will pay for everything. I did do some Christmas Shopping Online today, which was great, and it made me feel good, like I was actually ACCOMPLISHING something, until I ran to Wal-Mart for necessities.... and when I left my tire was flat AGAIN and then I realized that I would have to buy a new one. AGAIN. Well, at least I will officially have 4 new tires.

And then tonight we got a bill for CAR INSURANCE due December 27th. Ahhh.

Ho Ho Ho!


  1. Yeah, when I was a kid, I was like, "I wish Christmas was every day!" And my parents would just moan. But now I get it.

    Sometimes, with these Christmas exchanges, you just have to say no.

  2. I hear you...
    Tis the season...
    And when the bills roll in I sing to myself...'It's getting to look a lot like Christmas!!!'

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Breathe honey! 'Tis the season for empty wallets! I remember a blog similar to this one a year ago :)

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    December seems like it is rough sometimes financially...just keep your chin up!

    BTW...I think this is my first time to your blog, feel free to stop by my blog and say hello as well!
