Friday, December 01, 2006

15 inches of snow in less than 12 hours!

Looks like it finally stopped snowing. We have gotten 15 inches of snow here in less than 12 hours. Everyone is home today, snowbound. All morning guys spent time pulling out people on main street who thought they were going somewhere. My sister works 3rd shift and got snowed in at work, when she tried to leave, the whole front end of her car got buried and she had to dig it out by hand and go back to the parking garage. Evan and I stayed up till 4am, and by that time the Wyanet-Walnut Blacktop was completely closed, and the drifts were about waist high. It's just before noon and we officially have 15 inches of snow. I guess that means today was meant to pick up this messy house and put the lights and ornaments on that tree that's been looking at me all week. I tried to let the dogs outside but the snow was so deep they couldn't walk. So I had to bundle up and go get the shovel, and dig them a square where they could pee. I also picked up the lawn furniture so that it was out of the way for when the plow guy shows up. The picture of the snowdrift in front of the door is taken from INSIDE the house, that's what the back porch looked like this morning when I woke up.

The neighborhood just started to start officially digging out around 10:30. The best thing about being in small town, everyone knows everyone and everyone helps each other out. Whoever hsa a 4 wheeler with a plow, a truck with a plow, or a bobcat, goes around helping whoever doesn't, and they pull each other out when they get stuck. And Believe me, there have been lots of stuck folks this morning. I heard that a state plow truck overturned on 251 and that it was loaded with salt. I heard that 6 state plow trucks from the Bureau County Region are stuck alongside the road somewhere and unable to plow. Around 11, a plow truck came through and plowed one lane open on the Wyanet-Walnut Blacktop.

Yesterday was Evan's birthday, and I had two doctor's appointments. One at the Dermatologist, in which I was told my acne is 30% better, and given (okay, sold. It was $225.00) a Zeno. I have been trying it out to see if it works for me, it has a 30 day money back guarantee. The second appointment was at an Oral Surgeon's, where they had me watch a horror movie about wisdom tooth extraction. Then they decided that all 3 need to come out and that we will do that on January 26th. For someone has never even been hospitalized, has never had a broken bone besides toes and fingers, hates needles, and has never been put under anesthetic.... this should be a frightening adventure. I am less worried about my teeth than being knocked out. Husband is super supportive, having been under several times, and he will be there to take my home and feed me soup and pain pills.

After those two Doctor's appointments, we ate at Ruby Tuesday's in Peoria and then went through Circuit City and Guitar Center. Then we came home and watched Nacho Libre, which was okay. Funny. Not exceptional. We watched You Me and Dupree on Wednesday night, and totally loved it. They are due back tonight but we might not be able to get to Princeton, although now that it has stopped snowing they should get the roads cleared this afternoon. I think we are going to Anya's tonight for pizza and Game night with Ryan and Emy. That should be fun.

Well, SOMEONE Needs to clean this pig pen, so I had better get going.

Oh and I made TWO of Leanne's snowballs, and mine are not nearly as cute as hers, but since I am snowed in and I have 6 more started, I should get better with practice. Check them out...


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    silly your look just as good as mine! i just went thru a tooth nightmare i will be thinknig of you and you will be fine!!

  2. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I was thinking of you last night when I was watching the weather. Snow puts me in the mood for christmas but holy moses that's a crap-shload of snow you got there ma'am! We just got wind here, had the power out for about 5 hours, our neighbors across the street are still without it. 8 Utility trucks are out front trying to figure things out. You know, it's tough keeping 3 little kids entertained with no lights and no heat! ICK!
