Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Heater Whore and the Rusty Pickle

Today, is an okay day.

But let us start with last night. I did nothing. I watched a movie on cable (Autumn in New York with Winona Ryder and Richard Gere) while I messed around a bit on the laptop. Husband brought me home Subway. Yum. Then I took a bath that lasted so long that the water was hurting my skin. Between the bathtub and in bed until 2:30am, I read a hefty 2/3 of my book "The Tenth Circle" By Jodi Picoult. Now I have read one of her other books, and it was good but I wasn't overly impressed. But this book is AWESOME good. I had to take it to work today so I could read while I ate my stuffed pizza for lunch. I can't tear myself away. It's pretty good. Husband was intrigued when he saw me reading the comic book sequences. Of course I lvoed the references to Jim Lee and Marvel/DC Comics. The book itself is just a great story, and it's well told. Of course, at exactly the halfway point, I had a pretty good handle on the "secret" piece, but I haven't gotten to the end to actually see what happened for sure. I can't give you ANY details without giving away the book. But it is GOOD and I suggest it to anyone.

Tonight I had a Rusty Pickle Class after work (oh I can already see your eyebrows rise, and guys are probably pitching a tent over me saying pickle.) but for those of you who DON'T know, Rusty Pickle is a scrapbook company- and I made this Christmas Album. Although sister and I did purchase a book at the Girl's Night Out Party called "tickle his pickle" and we are both going to read it, so if that doesn't get your mind wandering, nothing will.

Last night I also did the "What's In My Bag" thing for the flickr group... and then upgraded to a bigger purse. But what I really wanted to do was sew a purse organizer, but I was so in depth with the book that at 2:30am I had to make myself put it down and sleep.

I got two of my shirts off ebay, they are kinda smallish. The "Meet the Twins" shirt is the same brand as the "Pirate Love" shirt but it's a size bigger according to the tag, but it fits smaller. WTF? So I dunno. Might end up reselling them. I have had bad luck lately, even with using measurements. I got a dress that was too big, and shirts that were too small. I got pants that look black with white pinstripes in the pictures and ended up being kinda multi-colored pinstripes. Strange. I am hoping my luck changes. Of course I just got outbid on my outrageously low Palm treo 650, which I knew would happen. Too good to be true.

Today I mailed bills. Power, Cable & Internet, Cell Phones, etc.CB gave me a little belated birthday gift, the book "Pirates" By John Matthews. I had seen this book at Shop-ko in October and coveted it terribly. But it's just one of those things you don't buy for yourself, so it was the perfect gift. And I was surprised to get it, which made it even nicer. Last night I decorated my little pink tree at work. It's sparkly pink (the tree itself) with pink class balls and pink christmas lights on pink wires. And I have more ornaments at home that I need to remember to bring to work. AND I need to put the lights and ornaments on the tree at home. Ugh. Maybe tomorrow night. I am just SO not in the spirit. I think not putting up decorations last year made me lazy.

Today was such a gloomy looking day. It rained some. It was just overcast, although it wasn't cool outside, it was cool INSIDE at at work all day I just wanted a blanket or sweater or heater to curl up with. Yes, I curl up to heaters. My husband is always laughing because if he can't find me, I am sitting on the floor somewhere about 1 foot in front of a space heater or next to a register. When I used to babysit I would make a blanket tent over the registers and sit under it with the kids while we watched a movie or read a book. I think it probably drives husband nuts that I always want to cuddle. Usually it's a one sided cuddle. He plays a video game or holds the remote while I try to carve a place into his side where I can squeeze myself and keep warm. When all else fails, I love to cuddle with Boyd. He's a "hot" dog. Like a personal heater to curl up with.P.S. UPDATE-- I did finish my book tonight, and it was good. I knew "Who Dunnit" but the ending, although good, also kinda pissed me off because it was that open ended bullshit where you really don't know what happens at all. That sucks. But the book was good. It just lacked closure, which pisses me off. I need closure. Unless Johnny Depp or Edward Cullen is involved and there is a sequel, there had damn well better be closure!


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    very cute rusty pickle album ... are those fabric scraps or ribbon on the binding?
