Monday, November 20, 2006

CraZy ShIt!

Check out this email. This is the kind of crazy shit I get all day long.

You might blow someone up.Shut up if you can't take a joke! But, seriously, could these two look any more alike?com for full links, other content, and more!
com for full links, other content, and more!
Because a woman owns the weapon of seduction. com for full links, other content, and more! Well, at least we thought so for a few days, but now we've changed. com for full links, other content, and more!
Ephebophila: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted to young people about the age of puberty. Motorcycle Pictures of the.
One billion, three hundred thousand Muslims are ready to kill you.
Law Stops Renting to Illegal Immigrants.
Bradley played tambourine at his side. Phone features, phone plans and calling cards.
What I like about it so far? com for full links, other content, and more!
com for full links, other content, and more!
My mind has been preoccupied with Jane's total knee replacement surgery that took place on Election Day.
Well we think your citizens' complete disregard for our laws in an insult.

Well, the Christmas Music started at work today. Full blast over the loud speakers. You couldn't ignore it if you try. I personally really love Christmas Music. But I am still not particularly pleased that they have started it PRE-THANKSGIVING. WTF?

Oh well. I did have a couple of revelations today. This morning in the shower, I had a Desperate Housewives flash- what if Orson never DID kill Monique or his wife. What if his wife left him BECAUSE of Monique. What if Mike killed Monique (the wrench, his number on her hand, etc.) and Orson ran over Mike BECAUSE he thinks that Mike killed Monique? Or what if Orson's wife killed Monique out of jealous revenge and Mike killed Orson's wife to avenge Monique? Aha! I have to say that I think Orson is innocent. It's too convenient that they make him out to be such a bad guy from the beginning. So that was my one insight for the day. Voila!


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