Sunday, October 01, 2006


Wearing: Black track pants, Windows XP T-shirt, Winnie the Pooh Scrunchie.
Watching: This evening's (TIVO'd) episode of Desperate Housewives

Things I accomplished this weekend:
Eating Chinese.
Grandma's 75th Surprise Birthday Party.
CB's Stampin Up Party.
Babysitting Ava.
Finding my lost dog.
Burning the roof of my mouth on a hot pocket.
Organizing ALL of my digital photos from 2001 to September 2006, by event, month, and year
Made Photo CD's (one for each month) for 2001-2006
Printed Custom Labels for each CD listing the month and the events
Labeled the CD's and organized them in a binder.
Ate Rip's Chicken for supper tonight.
Went for a walk.
Sat in the Hot Tub at Brad and Anya's till 10:30pm.
General Picking up around home.
Taking the garbage to the curb.
Watching The Girls Next Door.

Things I didn't accomplish this weekend:
Finding what stinks in the fridge
Get my husband to hang things on the walls for me
Getting to the Orchard.

On another note, there have been SIX trains through Wyanet in the last 2.5 hours. It is driving me BONKERS. There were two trains on our walk, and one on my way home, and three more since I got here. Since it is so nice, I have all the windows opened up. And the train whistles keep overpowering Desperate Housewives. At least by the time that The Girls Next Door was on, the trains were finished. Holly was throwing a baby shower for former playmate Victoria Fuller, and Holly went across the street to the playmate house and when she was in the kitchen, her boobs were popping out of her dress, and she had some nipple showing on both sides. I was like COME ON! I can't believe the camera men didn't "mention" it. They did like two full scenese with her nipples hanging out. Okay, so I do believe it. Bridget bought the cutest lil wagon full of pink goodies for the baby! And Kendra wrapped hers in a Christmas bag because she wasn't going to "go out and buy a bag." Oh Jeez. Although she bought the CUTEST little Nike Outfit with a white shirt and a white tennis skirt with red stripes and hearts. Adorable!

The wind is REALLY blowing. I keep thinking that it's going to storm, and it's been lightening since it got dark, to the north of town. But nothing here. The weather does say there is a 20% chance of storms overnight and tomorrow.

I should be going to bed. It's 12:15. And I am a little sleepy.


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