Thursday, August 03, 2006

Kelly Skellington Doll is Finished!

Well, my Kelly Skellington Doll is Done! The whole Coloriffic swap*o*rama Rainbow Swap is together, packed up, and ready to mail. Since I accidentally have almost $70 in this package (my bad, I know, But I got so excited!) and that doesn't count the time to make Kelly, I am really hoping it doesn't cost too much to send... but it has to go across borders, so I am worried about that. I feel sad watching Kelly go, and packing her up in her little coffin for the last time and closing the lid was very hard... but she will love her new home, I am sure, and I hope her owner loves her and appreciates all my hard work!

So off she goes!

See all of Kelly's pictures and all my swaporama pictures here...

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  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Your swap-bot partner is sooo lucky to have you!

  2. Anonymous5:29 AM

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  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

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