Friday, June 23, 2006

Yahoo Mail Beta... Now with RSS Feeds!

Today I also decided to go back to Yahoo Mail beta. A few months ago, I got an email from Yahoo to be on their Beta Testing list. I am guessing because I use Yahoo and their services heavily, and I am a paying customer through Geocities (web hosting and also through Yahoo Mail Plus, for extra features, storage space, no advertisements, and managing all of my email addresses in one inbox. It is totally worth the $19 a year that I pay to have all those features (with Yahoo Mail, hosting is not included in that price) and I have had it for over a year. So anyway. Months ago I checked out the Yahoo Mail Beta. I only used it for about 20 minutes and it annoyed the hell out of me. I wrote them my feedback about what annoyed me. I could see that they were making a (poor) attempt at mimicing Outlook and Outlook Express, with the task bar, preview pane, etc. I decided today to go back and see what they have done, since I have been utilizing Yahoo 360 and surprised with it's updates.... and I was pleased. I have officially converted to Yahoo Mail Beta. AND I have found a few new features that I would like to share.

Since I discovered RSS Feed Capabilities on Yahoo 360, I was very pleased to see the RSS Feed capabilities within Yahoo. Similar to the ability to see Yahoo/Reuters News, I have added RSS Feeds for Snopes, Smoking Gun, Gadget Blogs, and other things that I would like to see everyday. I also RSS fed my own blog (this is the RSS Feed Address, if you are interested and I was very pleased with the results.

Since I have been having such a hard time reading all the blogs in my blogroll, I considered RSS Feeding them like my news, into my Yahoo mail. Hmmm. Interesting. Not sure I can read all of that. It would be nice if the feed was up to date, and was showing today's posts only. It would also be nice if I could Expand and Collapse my Blog Feeds in Yahoo Mail, much like the infrastructure of Windows Explorer. But it just shows them all open.... and I haven't figured out that there is a way to expand and collapse so that you can read one, collapse it, and move onto the next. One that capability shows itself, I may have to consider adding RSS Feeds for the blogs I would like to read.

OMIGOD! I figured it out! Collapsing! Expanding! RSS Feeds listed by Name! YES! **insert orgasmic noise here** If I read your blog, you MUST RSS Feed me! You must!

Thoughts? Anyone still with me? LOL.

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