Monday, June 26, 2006

Kitchen Burnout

You know, I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook. I used to make desserts and bake my own bread, and decorate cakes. I used to try new recipes every week, spend lots of time in the kitchen.

I loved to cook so much that I sold Pampered Chef for three years. And then. It happened. I got burnt out. I went to kitchen shows and I cooked for everyone. I made great dishes, light and fluffy desserts.... and eventually, I started to get tired of cooking at home. When I stopped selling Pampered Chef, it was because I was absolutely wiped. I had everything in the catalog, and two of most necessities. Two food choppers, two of each scraper, utensil, bamboo spoon. Two of several stones. Two tool-turn-abouts. Stoneware in different colors. Scrapers in different colors. Towels. Three Hot Pad/trivets. Napkins. Table Runners. Aprons and Tablecloths. Two Batter Bowls. Three Quick-Stir Pitchers. Cupboards in the basement with every shaped cake pan, muffin pan, bread tube, and all of the Simple Additions serving pieces with stands.

Suddenly, I couldn't take it anymore. I was so stressed out. I appreciated hostesses. I really did. But some of them thought they were "god's gift to me" and like I should bow down and kiss their feet for hosting a party. It got tiring. I wasn't really making good money. Whatever I made went right back into the business or I spent for more stuff for my kitchen. Pretty soon I wasn't even cooking at home anymore. I constantly was packing up my entire kitchen and going to shows. People said (and still do) that I was an awesome consultant. And I appreciate that. I ran a HUGE Message Board for Consultants on MSN, called WeLovePamperedChef2. I networked with consultants from all over North America, and occasionally stationed in other countries. I shared ideas and I loved loved loved it. I made so many dear dear friends.

I have a memory for prices, uses, and warranty information. How to clean the products. How to use the products, tips and tricks, kitchen hints. But I was overwhelmed. The business is supposed to work around your normal life. That's fine if you don't work full time. Or if you aren't trying to plan a wedding. But I was starting to spend every weekend away at parties. I was missing out on all kinds of family and friend functions. I started to sound like a broken record... "I'm sorry, I can't. I have a Pampered Chef Show that day."

Now, I am not trying to discourage ANYONE from home selling. If there is a Home Selling Business to get involved in, It's Pampered Chef. The rewards are compelling. I surpassed $15,000 in career sales, I surpassed $30,000 in career sales. I earned my silver whisk charm. I recruited 3 consultants. The hardest part was keeping those consultants active. It was like "two steps forward, three steps back." And It was exhausting to me. If I could sell any home product, it would be either stamping supplies, or Pampered Chef. I did earn a 2 night hotel stay. I earned THOUSANDS of dollars in free product. But I could never get to the next level and still work full-time, and I certainly was NOT making enough to live off. A couple hundred extra dollars a month for the most part, and the occasional big month (about twice a year) with $500 or $1000 in commission. But those months left me exhausted and frazzled. And I always needed to buy "more catalogs" or "more paperwork" or "new products to show." I was running out of space in my kitchen and in my schedule.

I was recently invited to a Tastefully Simple show. Because Pampered Chef was so similar, as we sell spices and mixes and beer bread, I had never gone to one. I enjoyed the party immensely.... but the thing I couldn't get over was the HUGE amount of relief that I felt when I saw that consultant up there talking and thought "THANK GOD THAT ISN'T ME anymore!"

So I have been "done" selling for about 5 months now. And I still haven't been able to get myself back in the kitchen! I hate it! I have so many awesome tools, and so many kick ass recipes! I have every spice in the world it seems, and I can't bring myself to touch them. I look back at how life was before Pampered Chef. I went home every night and made supper. Sometimes my husband and I would cook together, because we both love to cook. Now, we don't do that anymore. Husband makes something, or we pick something up somewhere. With South Beach, it's particularly hard to do any baking, because I am not supposed to eat baked goods or breads. But I really miss making meals and having parties. And just making a nice supper. But I still can't bring myself to get back to the kitchen.

I can't wait for this Hiatus to be over. And I can't help but blame Pampered Chef for my kitchen burnout. I hope that this goes away soon and that by the time I have kids, I enjoy cooking and spending time in the kitchen again.

Meagan, Former Future Director with The Pampered Chef
Suffering from Kitchen Burnout

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  1. I loved reading your post as I LOVE Pampered Chef. I came to your blog through Lyvvie. Sorry to hear you are burned out.

  2. I know its sad, but I have kitchen burnout too...and I don't even cook frequently...I'm talking like once a year cooking.

    But that Pampered Chef stuff sounds pretty cool!

  3. My favorite pampered chef item is the ice shaver. I have lots of doo-dads and gadgets, but I am an ice shaving fool. It's a great snack with little calories!
    Tastfully simple beer bread, can be buried with me to eat for eternity. That...and a billion other things, which I have no room to list.

  4. Anonymous5:27 AM

    What a great site
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