Thursday, June 15, 2006

19.5 pounds lost to date.

Well, yesterday morning when I weighed myself, I have lost another pound and a half. That's good. That puts me at 19.5 pounds total since February 23rd. And this morning when I weighed myself I was still there, so that means it wasn't a fluke! Yeah! After the first 15 pounds, things have really been moving slowly. I need to be excercising more, but it's hard when I have so much else I want to get done, and lately the weather has been pretty unpredicatble, with sweatshirt weather and high winds one day, pouring down rain the next day, and then like 93 degrees the next day with unbearable humidity. I guess that is no excuse seeing as how I have a treadmill in my DINING ROOM, eh?

My "doctor" is super proud of me.... and I feel great... but I still have a long long way to go for my goal.

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  1. Yeah, for some odd reason it gets harder to lose weight the less you have to lose. But twenty pounds; wow! Let's see some photos of the new lean, mean Meagan!

  2. Congrats on your weight loss!! Thanks for putting in a bid this week. Please bid again, I am loving your blog and the lasso of truth!

  3. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I'm so proud of you too! Keep it up!

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Great work on the weight loss. :)

  5. Thanks! no pictures yet Tina, still not skinny! Just a little deflated!
