Friday, May 12, 2006 can Bite my Ass!

Pissed! L-I-V-I-D!

Ordered Memory yesterday for my laptop. Wanted it ASAP (today) So I paid overnight shipping. Today at 4:30, when it still hadn't arrived, I called them.

The DAMN thing is on BACKORDER?! Don't you think that if I spent $200 with you and paid $20 for overnight shipping, you would think I was concerned that I got the item quickly and you would notify me IMMEDIATELY when you discovered that the item was unavailable? Especially if you had my home phone, cell phone, and email address? Um. Hell-O!

I was SOOOOO pissed. I asked why I wasn't notified. I was told "you should have been."

ARGH! So I luckily was able to call Tiger Direct, and in the end ordered the memory for $55 less and even though they couldn't get it out today, and there is no Saturday "next day" delivery, I did get 2nd day for $14.99 so I should have it when I get back on Wednesday. Although I am frustrated that I can't take it with me, that's what I get for trusting some stupid company and not checking up on the order earlier than 4pm.

So, yeah. Don't buy from ~ Evaaahhhh!

**UPDATE~STILL PISSED! Have been on the phone for almost 40 minutes now, being passed back and forth through Tiger Direct. Why? Because DUMBASSES at have placed a hold on my credit card for the amount of the product, and now when someone else tries to charge anything, THERE'S NO FREAKING MONEY! ARGH!!!! What is up with my life? Can it Get any worse? (probably, I am just asking for it, right?) So now I am trying to pay via paypal and I have been holiding forever to get back to customer service, which is where I STARTED when I placed the order 40 minutes ago. Well Luckily I got through to get the damn thing paid via paypal, but that requires "additional processing time" and therefore I probably won't have it until Wednesday or Thursday now. DAMN! I HATE YOU!

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  1. I feel your pain, I had an issue with an eBay seller when I tried to buy a Xmas present. Suffice to say, I eventually got the present, a week after Xmas ! I still like eBay, just not that seller.

    The bastards that dare mess with us !
