Thursday, May 11, 2006

100% Upgradeable

Sometimes I don't mind it when it rains. Like if it wants to rain while I am at work? Great. If it wants to rain when the garden is dry? Fine. This week is another one of those weeks where it was supposed to rain every day and every night. So far we have gotten pretty lucky and the rain didn't really make it here till last night. And the wind didn't make it here till this afternoon. But it looks like it might be here to stay. And I am just really hoping that it doesn't ruin the Cubs game. Saturday. Or my work related trip to Indianapolis Sunday through Wednesday next week. But I am sure it will. This weekend it looks like Cubs fans and Indy Time Trial Enthusiasts will be wearing rain ponchos and sporting umbrellas. So sad.

The forecast?
Yep. Rain Rain Rain. Fabulous! I am trying not to let that get me down. I can still function in the rain, right? I have three umbrellas. I have a hooded sweatshirt. It will be okay! Even my new haircut is wind and rain friendly. Straight. Don't even need to part it. I am ready. I am even going to get a new pink cubs/breast cancer hat for the game, so I will be covered. It will match my pink cubs shirt and my pink breast cancer umbrella. I will be that color coordinated bitch that you see one of two ways. a: I want to smack that bitch [or] b: She's so damn cute! Look at her!

Today was a very busy day at work... I was almost always doing three things at once, and with the prospect of a short-staffed Friday and being gone for 3 of the 5 days next week, I will probably have lots to get done in a short amount of time tomorrow.

Then there is the "at home" aspect. Luckily the cleaning people came this past Monday so I don't have to worry about them being there while I am gone and husband having to make sure things are picked up and out of their way, or to write them a check and all that jazz. And really all he has to do is feed and water the dogs and pick up after himself... so that my head doesn't spin when I get back. Pray for me. (I am sure he will do fine.)

But if I have to stay in Chicago Saturday night and then be in Indiana on Sunday night through Wednesday, I have both laundry and packing to do. Eewww. And I have to rethink those giant liter bottles of Biolage shampoo/conditioner that I have. I can't be taking those on my "trips." SO I will have to search for the travel bottles and fill them up I guess. And I have a jumbo can of Big Sexy Spray and Play Harder Hairspray that was a special deal, It is LITERALLY 14 inches tall and it doesn't pack well in a suitcase. LOL. So I have some organizing to do. And I have to grab my suitcases out of the attic. Oy. I need to make a list!

Are you a list maker? I am. I should actually charge my Sony Clie. I haven't used it in a long time but it was EXCELLENT for list making and I had the Quicken program on it so I could enter my checking and financial information and then sync it with my online banking and my quicken on the laptop. I am thinking of spending my evenings in the Hotel in Indianapolis reformatting my hard drive and upgrading my memory from 256 to 1 Gig. But that means I need to convince husband that I can take the External Hard drive with me to dump all the stuff from my hard drive onto it. I just ordered a 1 Gig chip for the laptop. I had it overnighted so it SHOULD be here tomorrow. It damn well better be for an extra $17+.

Now I have to make a list of software to take with so I can replenesh the Hard drive. But if I get lucky, I can wipe it clean at home and put the memory in at home and then I will just be ready to reinstall programs and finish up in Indiana. Oh hopes and dreams.

Well, enough of this boring post. Everyone have a fun night, or at least a relaxing one.

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