Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Simplicity will Make it All Better... Simplicity 4595 that is.

Well, ya'll know I am a freak for projects. My house is a treasure trove of crafty crap. Scrapbooking, Beading, basketweaving, sewing, painting (acrylic, craft, watercolor), charcoal and graphite drawing, card making... It's a clusterfuck.

Today I got another project urge. Umm..Yeah. Maybe THAT Is what I need to fight this paranoia and regain control over my life.

I was thinking about skirts, and I was looking at the ADORABLE tiered, crinkle, and below the knee skirts at and some of them were ADORABLE- a $69-79.00 a piece adorable. We are talking $600 to have all the skirts I coveted there. And then. A brilliant Idea. SEW MY OWN. Elastic waists. Pick my own fabric for the tiers. Add my own embellishments. Beads, ruffles, ribbons, rick rack.... my mind was on overload! Whoa! Why didn't I think of that before! I was just telling my mom on Monday that I desperately need to clean my sewing room out and dust off the machine (room hasn't been cleaned since remodeling, and all the plaster and lathe dust fell down into the basement and coated everything. So it would be like killing two (Huge ass albatross) birds with one stone. So I am off to buy the pattern at the mart (Simplicity 4595) and read all about it. Once I clean the craft room I will allow myself to buy fabric and notions for ONE SKIRT. and can you believe how many blog posts and flickr photos are tagged with Simplicity 4595? Oh My God! Thank You Internet for matching up our crafty asses.

Oh and the picture is of a turquoise anklet that I beaded on saturday, while waiting for quilts to dry on the clothesline. There were metal pins all over the mattress, which was my workspace. Don't ask why. it was the cleanest horizontal surface I could find. Wal-Mart beads, pins, wire, and crimp beads, Bead Retreat Spacers, Toggle Clasp, and Starfish Charm. I am thrilled that Beat Retreat has gone "ala carte" in their new catalog. SMART!

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