Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Off the Wagon

Today at lunch, I had what will go down in history as the Worst South Beach Cheat Ever. Ugh. And it was so yummy. But very bad. I did physical activity/work all afternoon so I hope that helped balance it out.

Firstly, my weakness is Macaroni and Cheese triangles. Mmmm... Golden deep fried goodness. And this is the FIRST time they have had them since I started South Beach over a month ago. And I Had to Have Them! And then I had a sausage and pepper calzone made of the whitest white pizza dough you can ever imagine. It was delicious and it was bad.

The second biggest cheat in the history of south beach? Opening that box of frozen Peanut Butter Patties (girl scouts, good cause, etc) to "just have two" and then, 14 cookies later, realizing that it was a bad idea to even open them.

Is anyone else singing L7 "Off the Wagon" now? No? Just Me? Mmmmkay then...

Tonight.... Back on the wagon!

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