Monday, April 17, 2006

I Can Be Your Naughty Librarian.

Happy Monday.

I have thought of lots of stuff over the weekend to blog, but I have been too lazy to blog. I was almost blogging at 1am today, but I decided against it, as sleep was probably a better option.

First, I want to point out that I am on a book reading rampage. I read very quickly, I always have. When I was younger, mom would take us to the library in the summer every week or two weeks. Most kids got one book. I got a huge stack. I would easily read 4 or 5 books in a 2 week time. When I was junior high age and older I really read a lot. The librarian would (at first) tell me that I had to put some back because I had chosen too many and that they had to be back in 2 weeks. But my mom would vouch and tell the librarian that I would easily read that many books in two weeks. And after that the librarians got used to me and didn't say anything. It is not unusual for me to start and finish a 2+" thick hardback book in 3-4 hours. Last week I read three seperate books in one sitting each. I love to read. I would kill to lay outside in the grass or on the hammock or in the swing, and read a book. Buying that swing last year for the yard was a fabulous idea. I spent many nights lying in the wing. It folds flat like a futon and I would grab a blanket and pillow and sneak out there just before dark. I would even wear a little nightie so I could feel the summer air and just curl up with the dogs and a book. Sometimes when it would get dark I would put down the book and fall asleep, until the dew set in and I woke up, or I would take a flashlight or book light out so I could read after dark. That's totally my style. Some of my best and favorite purchases have been books. I love bookstores. I love to curl up with a book, wearing just a sheet or an afghan... and I can wear my glasses or not, because my glasses are more a fashion statement than a necessity when reading.

So now it's naughty librarian time... Let's talk about boobs ... er... books.

I found two authors that I adore, who I have never read before. One being Sophie Kinsella. Wow. I read Undomestic Goddess in 3.5 hours on Thursday. It was kick ass. And for the entire 3.5 hours I was in the bathtub. And it was grand. Whenever I get into the tub with a new book, I might not come out for an hour or two. But with this book, it was so good I didn't even realize the water was cold, or that I was a prune. Or that I was still reading in the bathtub, until I was at the final 1/4 inch of the book and I was like "Huh? I read an entire book in the bathtub? What TIME is it?!" I read Vickie Lewis Thompson's Talk Nerdy To Me in 4 hours on Wednesday. I had to stop to eat. And I take bathroom breaks. Now that I know that Sophie and Vickie are so cool, I will have to grab up all their other books to read shortly. I consider them women's books.... independent women who of course fall in love- but instead of losing their independence, they find a whole new kind. The books aren't in the romance category, in the harlequin sense, I would call them more or less chick-lit. And there is a hot guy (or two) and steamy sex in each book which makes it all the better. Sophie Kinsella has put a new fantasy/fetish in my mind. Who would have thought? Rolling in raspberries? I mean I am all for outdoors but never really thought of the garden. I NEED to live in the country again. LOL!

Saturday I started Nicholas Evan's The Divide but I am already bored and not even halfway through it. I loved the Horse Whisperer. And the Smoke Jumper. And the Loop. I don't know if I never noticed it before, or if this book is just exceptionally full of it.... but he is WAYYY too descriptive. I mean like each words has 50 gazillion adjectives preceding it and it is just too much. It's so wordy that I can't hardly stand to muddle through it. It makes each sentence about three pages long. Or at least it seems like it. And I have already found myself not giving a rats ass about the characters. I don't sympathize with them. He describes their flaws to the point that I don't find them real and endearing, but annoying. The people already have me pissed off. So honestly I had to put it down. I have other good books waiting to be read, no sense forcing myself to muddle through this one. I am curious to see what others thought... I should check amazon- (one moment please...) oh it seems like there are some 4 star reviews, and then some 3 star reviews that say they didn't even know what the story was about until 3/4 of the way through the book. They said they are glad they stuck with it. others say they are disappointed in this book as opposed to his other three. Hmmm... Maybe I will pick it up again at a later date.

Last night I started Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code. Oh Wow. This book Kicks ass already and I am only on like chapter 6. I love everything about it. Everything. My brain is like so wired and churning through every detail. I am totally thrilled about this book. I held off for a long time because sometimes when a book is all the rage, I hesitate. I don't like to be considered so mainstream, and don't want to read it just because it's a best seller. But the DaVinci Code, totally worth the hype. Already. I can't wait. I am carrying it around with me on the off chance that I get a quiet moment where I can sprawl out on the grass or in a chair and have a read.

Saturday, husband took me to the mall. I got my wedding band cleaned, a new cover for my cell phone (so we can tell ours apart) and some hair clips since my hair is longer every minute, touching my shoulders already. And we went to Waldenbooks. And I picked out a new bookmark, called a book thong. It's pink and girly and beaded and sexy. And it says "Me" on it, which is what Evan calls me. "Me" or "Wifey." AND I got the most KICK ASS Alex Ross book, Mythology- The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross. So I know that not everyone knows who Alex Ross it, but you should. He has GOT to be the best comic artist ever. His Wonder Woman gives me shivers and his Superman and Batman could make any girl's knees weak. When he draws justice league, just WOW. Everything is so REAL that it could be a picture. It's amazing. The way he can draw muscles, and facial contours, and the shading and draping of fabric... I can't even begin to tell you how cool this book is. I kept meaning to take pics to blog with, but just trust me on this. Wow what a book.

Oh, and if the itch I have given you is one of the reading nature, I can help. I am a member of doubleday, and all the books I mentioned above are books I got from Doubleday. And I love that when you join you get like 6 books, all hardback, and it ended up costing me less than $20, including the shipping and handling. Totally worth it. And they always have buy one get one or other great sales. If you join through me, we both get free books. So it you are ready to settle down with a few good books, please let me know, I would love to refer you!

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  1. Screw the DaVinci Code backlash, that book is awesome. I nearly missed a wedding because I didn't want to put it down. If only my purse had been ample size, I would have snuck it into the beachside ceremony and continued reading.
