Friday, March 31, 2006

Your Wrote THAT on the INTERNET? Piss Off.

Post removed. I got tired of seeing my feelings so blatantly "out there"
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  1. of course the only comment I get is from a spammer.

  2. Well, it definitely takes balls to be that honest! I feel the same EXACT way sometimes. Like, wait a minute, I didn't sign up for this bullshit. Who are you and where is the man I married? I feel cheated sometimes like, what am I really getting out of this marriage? I don't get help with the baby. I don't get help with the housework. I don't get help with ANYTHING! So what's in it for me. I wish I had more of an answer to give to you. I don't know when enough is enough. Maybe when you lose sight of yourself, which sometimes I do. I don't even recognize ME anymore. Somewhere along the way I turned into this bitchy, whiny, loser and my hubby's life didn't change one bit. Listen girlfriend all I can say is trust your gut. If it's telling you to get out then you might want to listen. My mother always tells me, well why don't you scare him? You know, leave for a couple days and see what he does. Unfortunately, I don't think that would solved the problem. Anyway, I've taken up too much space already, but I feel for you and just wanted to let you know you are not alone!!

  3. thank you. I am removing the post because for some reason it made me feel better to get it out but now I just don't want to look at it anymore. However I am happy that someone else feels the way I do and it isn't just me!

  4. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Oh be happy! I am sure there are many more that feel like you, myself included. There are days that I think "wow I could not imagine not having husband in my life" and then MORE days that I think "it would be easier if he were gone, I am tired of griping, bitching, getting irritated, and repeating myself". If things weren't so complicated for me, I would probably file the papers and life this next half of my life enjoying it! I am thinking of you. :)

  5. I guess that I got here too late.
