Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Stain on my shirt....

Doesn't every stain have a story? LOL. I don't mean that in a gross way, although that is true too. Ha ha. Today I am wearing a shirt. It is a perfectly good shirt. It has only been worn once before today. But the first time I wore it, I got a stain on it. But the stain and the day I wore the shirt were both pretty special. It was the day I got married... and this is the shirt that I wore during our wedding ceremony, and for dinner afterwards.

It's simple. No one else would ever guess that I wore this shirt on the day I got married. Who wears a turquoise shirt to get married? Me. And everyone else would say "why is she wearing that shirt, it has a STAIN on it. Why doesn't she just toss it out, add it to the rag bag?" Well, I normally would, or it would become a shirt to paint in, or work in the yard with. But this shirt, I like looking at the stain. And it is right on the chest, front and center.

And now, the story behind the stain.

When we got married in Vancouver, Canada... on the beach at Stanley Park, overlooking the ocean, we stopped traffic on the seawall as people stopped to watch. They couldn't hear because we were far away from the seawall, but they could watch. And they did. When we finished taking pictures, we thanked the photographer Chris and his wife and assistant Lynn, who were also our witnesses. We thanked Karen, our wedding "officiant" as they call them in Canada. And we got into our mini-cooper and drove through the park. We stopped by the Rose Garden for more pictures, and looked around the park. I do regret that we didn't take pictures inside the giant hollowed out tree. It's the tree that they put the VW bug inside of and took a picture for their advertisement. Then we went on to the Fish House restaurant for our dinner.

We were treated FABULOUSLY! There were two other wedding parties there that night but we never saw them. I assumed that they were in the traditional wedding dresses and tuxes. No one need even notice that we had just gotten married, but maybe my flowers gave it away. But even they weren't your typical "wedding bouquet." Maybe the waiter bringing us champagne and placing my flowers in a special vase on our table, with "Fish House" engraved in the glass- maybe THAT gave it away. Or maybe the special menus that we got with our names and the date printed at the top, or perhaps the complimentary dessert that they gave us. Or maybe no one there noticed at all.

Maybe they wondered why we were grinning from ear to ear, holding hands across the table and inspecting rings, twisting newly on our fingers and my diamonds sparkling in the sunshine through the window. Or maybe no one noticed.

I had Caribbean Lobster Tails with Butter and Lemon. Evan had three types of salmon. Everything was DELICIOUS. We had an appetizer and wine. The Lobster was so good, I was dipping it in butter and savoring every single bite. We talked about the ceremony, how beautiful the park was, the golf course alongside the restaurant, what we would do tonight, tomorrow, and for the rest of our honeymoon.... and the rest of our lives.

And while transferring a piece of exceptionally soft and juicy buttered lobster to my mouth, I dripped butter on my shirt. And instantly I knew the shirt was ruined. I felt upset... but just for a second. Then I smiled and said, to my new husband, "Oh well, you only get married once!"

After all, it IS just a shirt.... right? But it is one I can't get rid of.

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  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    In the UK you can get Stain Devils to remove butter stains.
    I'm sure you know this already? But why don't you see if you can get some. Then the stain will magically dissapear .. alternatively you can just keep the stain and let it remind you of your Wedding Day?
    or, was that your point??!?!?

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    In the UK you can get Stain Devils to remove butter stains.
    I'm sure you know this already? But why don't you see if you can get some. Then the stain will magically dissapear .. alternatively you can just keep the stain and let it remind you of your Wedding Day?
    or, was that your point??!?!?

  3. Awwww, I love the stain story. Stanley Park is sooo gorgeously beautiful too. Fantastic place to be married, wonderful story too!
