Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Calgon Take me away...

Ahhhh..... Wednesday. When I look up, I can see my stress level hovering about 2 feet above my head. And I am tall. So it must be way up there, like 7 foot 8 inches.

I just realized that TODAY is march. Okay, that sucks. Because like all month (february) I have been saying "I can just do that in March" and now, it is March. Damn.

This morning I had a fudgecicle for breakfast. I feel good about that. this morning I have lost 10 pounds. 10 pounds in 6 days. That's pretty damn good. This South Beach Diet is amazing! It really is. It isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. My carb cravings are pretty much gone, and after seeing how much I have lost already, I pretty much don't WANT to eat any carbs. Or at least in moderation when I can again. I am considering staying on the Phase 1 for longer than the first two weeks.... because it is working so well. I can't imagine that I can keep it up at this rate. That would be amazing, I would lose 40 pounds in 4 weeks of phase 1, but I don't see that as possible!

So what else... hmmmm Lots of things going on at work, we are SUPER busy, but of course I can't divulge any more than that.

I have a PMS day this weekend (Pizza (or Pasta)/Music/Scrapbooking) and I am totally excited but have yet to decide what I will be working on. I SHOULD work on my wedding album more, because i need to, but I also have two small albums going and I think that if I do everything right, I will get those two FINISHED this weekend, so I should probably concentrate on them. I did finish the covers and the title pages for my altered book, so now it is officially "in use" and ready to be altered for the entire year and filled with my thoughts and things that I want to remember. I need to take pics of it so that I can post here. There must be 550 coats of decoupage on that damn book. But it's super cool. I love it. I haven't decided if the book will be around one year or if it will be around for longer. I may do a new one each year, but that entirely depends on my ability to fill it up in a year. Which I am NOT using it like a diary or journal, and I HAVE a blog, so I am not sure I can fill it up in a year, or if I even want to. Only time will tell.

My Stampin Up Order came in yesterday, which was AMAZINGLY lightening fast, we just placed orders on the 18th and the stuff was alread here. So I got 4 new stamp sets, and I can't wait to use them. I did mount one set last night, sitting in front of the heater on the floor in the bathroom. Boyd sat with me and we watched the tub fill with scalding hot water and calgon peaceful orchard. Then I got to do my favorite ever thing. Be near napping in the tub. I love to lay on my stomach in the tub and rest me head on hy hands and just almost fall asleep. Almost. The fact that I can't swim, and that I hate being underwater, and there is water 1/8th of an inch from my nose, prevents me from sleeping. But I can get about as close to sleeping as you possibly can. So when it was quiet, I got to turn on the heater, and the wonder-beagle lay on the rug outside the tub, and I "near-napped" in the tub. All alone. It was so quiet. And peaceful. I can hear you mom's right now "you will never do that when you have kids, enjoy it while you can!"

And then, I watched "Wart at Home" and "Law and Order SVU" and then I went right to sleep at 10pm. I was tired. I had a quiet night. I had just read another two or three stories from "The Bitch in the House" and the last one was about a wife with such anger and rage that she could barely deal with it. I sympathized. It was nice. I ate a few green pepper slivers with roasted red pepper hummus, and a couple of colby jack cheese cubes for supper, and I took my bath. That was absolutely it. I don't remember dreaming about anything. I don't even remember if I woke up during the night. I don't remember waking up until my alarm went off. That is a rarity.


  1. Congrats on the 10lbs! I tried South Beach once, it is pretty great but don't stay on phase 1 for longer than 2 weeks. They say you will be more likely to get sick of it and go off the diet all together b/c of the food limitations! The bath sounds sooo nice....

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